So cute! Miscellaneous goods and rent hakama in Hitaki no Niwa

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Hitaki no Niwa in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture is a general store where you can rent costumes such as yukata and hakama with arrow pattern. The store, which is a renovated old Japanese house, sells cute miscellaneous goods, accessories, and souvenirs from Ehime Prefecture and Shikoku. If you go up to ...

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It's like a treasure hunt! A store lined with masking tape, glass pens, and accessories

When you step into the quaint store, you'll find colorful masking tape, glass pens handmade by craftsmen one by one, and stylish bags and accessories. There are also many delicious souvenirs made with citrus fruits from Ehime, as well as herbal teas and seasonings, as well as seafood from Ehime, which are perfect for snacks at the hotel.

Masking tape and letter set with retro design. We also have a wide selection of inks for glass pens.

There is also a wide variety of fashion goods such as accessories and pouches, so you will easily forget the time and enjoy your shopping.

We also have a wide selection of hair accessories, earrings, and earrings. We also have one-of-a-kind handmade accessories in the world, so why not use them as memories of your trip?

Rent a costume and go on a photogenic trip!

On the second floor of the store, you can rent yukata and hakama with a retro-modern arrow pattern, so you can enjoy the feeling of being transported back in time by walking around Ozu's streets and traditional buildings and taking photos.

The path next to Garyu Sanso, a tourist spot just steps away from the flycatcher garden, is a perfect photo spot for those wearing Japanese clothing.

When you go up the old-fashioned stairs...

Choose your favorite from a variety of colorful yukatas and costumes!

The room where you change your clothes is designed in the Taisho era style with a fusion of Japanese and Western design, so you can enjoy it even when the weather is bad.

[Machiya general store Hitaki's garden]

Address373 Ozu, Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture

Approximately 3 minutes walk from Ozu Machino Station Asamoya

Business hours Thursday and Sunday: 10:30-17:00

Friday: 17:30-18:30

Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays


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Ozu City belongs to an area called Nanyo on the western side of Shikoku, and is centered around the Ozu Basin, facing the Seto Inland Sea to the north and the Shikoku Mountains to the south. The clear stream, Hijikawa River, flows through the center of the city, and as the name suggests, the river curves like an elbow. Ta. In the Edo period, the remains of a prosperous castle town around Ozu Castle are still alive on the banks of the Hijigawa River.

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