If you want to fully enjoy the real pleasure of island travel, why not download "Marutto! Kozushima"?

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A local travel app that will make your island trip even more interesting! Introducing Kozushima Sugoroku (snakes and ladders )& GPS audio guide!

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Where is Kozushima?

Kozushima is one of the Izu Islands, a remote island of Tokyo. 45 minutes by plane from Tokyo, you can visit Maehama Beach, which is considered one of the beaches with the best water quality in Japan, Mt. Tenjo, which has been selected as one of the 100 Famous Mountains for Flowers, and selected as the Dark sky place, which is also known as a world heritage site for starry skies. The night sky is so beautiful that it has been certified as a city of ``Tokyo.'' With hot springs and fresh fish, the island is full of attractive spots with rich nature and unique history and culture that make it hard to believe that it is the same as Tokyo.

For access to Kozushima, please see this article.

What is the Kozushima tourism app “Marutto! Kozushima”?

"Marutto! Kozushima " has two functions: " Kozushima Sugoroku (similar to snakes and ladders)", which allows you to enjoy a trip to Kozushima , a remote island in Tokyo, like a game even before you travel, and "Dramatic Audio Guide", which only those who have visited the island can enjoy.  You can experience Kozushima while having fun playing with the app both while traveling and during your trip.

You can understand Kozushima completely through the game! Have fun exploring the island with Hoshipiko. [Kozushima Sugoroku]

The character "Hoshipiko" created by Yokomizo Yuri, the creator of "Sumikko Gurashi", navigates the Sugoroku game! You can understand not only famous places but also spots that only islanders know. You can also learn more about Kozushima through quizzes and exploration. There is no doubt that the more you play, the more you will fall in love with Kozushima!

A special experience only for those who visit! [Dramatic audio guide]

Linked with GPS, you can play audio when you approach a spot. Characters played by a gorgeous cast of voice actors explain the history and culture of Kozushima in a radio drama style. A deep story that only those who have visited the island can enjoy, and original BGM that matches the actual scenery will make your trip even more exciting!

We want our customers from overseas to know more about Kozushima, so we also offer English version!

In recent years, visitors from overseas have been visiting Kozushima, but there are not many businesses or facilities on the island that provide English service, and it is difficult to fully enjoy Kozushima, especially when it comes to learning about its history and culture. Therefore, in this app, both the game and the audio guide are available in English, so even foreign visitors can now enjoy a deep and local trip to Kozushima!

Download from the official website of “Marutto! Kozushima ”!

This app was developed by Vacation House FamiliA , a B&B on Kozushima .

[The project was launched at a small inn on a small island]

"We want to preserve Kozushima's rich culture and nature and create sustainable tourism resources."

Kozushima, a remote island in Tokyo, is facing issues such as a lack of personnel to pass on its unique culture, local guides, and foreign visitors due to the lack of local resources and the aging of the population. Therefore, FamiliA, a company that operates Vacation House FamiliA, an accommodation facility on the island with the concept of ``Socializing B&B,'' has started to developing the app that allows you to solve problems facing the island while having fun.  This application not only provides general tourist information, but also provides location-based information about the island, making it a helpful application for both visitors and island residents. This project was started by just two people at a small inn, but with the support of many people, we were able to finally make it to release. Development is still ongoing, and we plan to continue updating it in the future. Please look forward to it.

[About Vacation House FamiliA]

Enjoying FamiliA style is watching the sunset over the horizon and the starry sky together from the terrace, or sitting around the table and chatting with breakfast, coffee, or wine at night! Would you like to experience a unique stay that cannot be found at large hotels?

Click here to reserve Vacation House FamiliA

Written by

FamiliA, LLC operates ``Vacation House Familia'' on Kozushima, and engages in activities that go beyond the realm of lodging in order to convey the charm of the region and preserve its culture. In January 2024, the Kozushima tourism app [Marutto! Kozushima] released! The app provides a completely new sightseeing experience with two functions: ``Kozushima Sugoroku game (Snake and Ladders)'', which allows you to learn more about the island before a travel, and ``Dramatic Audio Guide'', which can only be experienced by those who have visited the site. Of course, this app is available in English. We aim to let customers not only from Japan but also from overseas know the true beauty of Kozushima and create opportunities for them to become friends with the island's people.

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