For Digital Nomads: Stay at GTN Stay and Use GTN SIM When You Visit Japan!

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GTN Stay specializes in short-term apartments ideal for digital nomads looking for mid to short-term stays in Japan. They also offer GTN SIM to enhance your stay. The GTN 5G 3Month Plan provides 90 days of voice calls and 5G data. You can also get a convenient local phone number.

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What is a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad refers to individuals who work and live via the internet, freely moving around the world without being tied to any specific location.

Typically, they utilize mobile technology and cloud services to perform their jobs online, enabling a lifestyle independent of any particular place.

Digital nomads can be found in various professions and industries and often operate as freelancers or remote workers, depending on the nature of their work.

In Japan, there is consideration being given to issuing a digital nomad visa to foreigners earning over 10 million yen annually. This visa would allow stays of up to 180 days, potentially increasing the number of digital nomads who wish to experience living in Japan.

Stay at GTN Stay When You Visit Tokyo, Japan

When moving abroad, finding a place to live is the first step. However, Japan's rental system can be stringent for those looking for mid to short-term stays, making traditional rental agreements challenging. While many opt for hotels or shared houses, another option is the GTN short-term apartment service, "GTN Stay."

GTN Stay

We operate five short-term apartment locations in Tokyo, including Shinjuku, Ebisu, and Akabane. These facilities come fully furnished with appliances, and no complicated procedures are required for signing a lease, making it easy to move in.

For more details on the benefits of short-term apartments and information about GTN Stay properties, please see the article linked below.

Use GTN Mobile and Get a Local Japanese Phone Number.

Many digital nomads might think that as long as they have internet access, they can live anywhere. However, in Japan, some services and online shopping sites still require a phone number when creating an account.This is done for security reasons, account verification, or as a means of communication. This is done for security, account authentication, and communication purposes. Having a local phone number can be very convenient in many situations.

In such cases, we recommend the GTN 5G Prepaid.

GTN 5G Prepaid

GTN 5G Prepaid is a prepaid SIM card offering unlimited calls and data within Japan. Choose between 30 or 90 days of coverage, ensuring you stay connected during your time in Japan without any hassle.

Additional Information

- Voice Calls: Unlimited domestic calls in Japan (*Some numbers may be excluded).
 - Period of Use: Choose between 30 or 90 days, starting from the date of your first use.
 - Data Speed: Up to 3.0 Gbps in 5G areas *The internet connection speed will be reduced (to a maximum of 300 Kbps) once the data limit is reached.
 - SIM Card Type: Nano SIM
 - Coverage Area: Nationwide across Japan (*5G coverage is not available in some areas).  

To learn more about GTN 5G Prepaid, please see the article below.

What do you think? Consider using GTN's services tailored for digital nomads when you visit Japan.

Contact Information for GTN Haneda Airport Garden Store

For inquiries related to the GTN Haneda Airport Garden Store, please refer to the following information:

Basic Information

- Business Hours: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Phone: 03-6822-3033
- E-mail address:  

*Please visit the Haneda Airport Garden website for updated information on any changes to business hours, temporary closures, or other modifications.

How to Get There

(1) Keikyu Line: 1-minute direct connection from Haneda Airport Terminal 3 Station
(2) Tokyo Monorail: 1-minute direct connection from Haneda Airport Terminal 3 station
(3) From Haneda Airport T3: Approx. 5-minute walk

For directions from the Haneda Airport (International Terminal) arrival lobby to Haneda Airport Garden and our store, please see the article below.

Additionally, for those interested in learning more about long-term plans, pocket Wi-Fi, and home internet services available in Japan, please check out the GTN Mobile website.
*Please note that the long-term plans are intended for foreign residents in Japan, and are not available to Japanese citizens.

GTN Mobile

And for more recommendations on spots and culinary delights, don't forget to check out the GTN Haneda Airport Garden Store's Instagram page!

GTN Haneda Airport Garden Instagram

Written by

As a general counter exclusively for foreigners, we sell SIM cards that can be used in Japan, and arrange hotels, residences, sightseeing tours, etc. in multiple languages. As a certified tourist information center, we also have tourist brochures for Tokyo and other regions.

The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.

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