A new Japanese premium guest room based on the concept of a "modern sukiya"

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Our hotel has been undergoing repair and renovation work for some time, and the work was finally completed on March 1, 2024, and we reopened on March 2. As a result of this renovation, three Japanese Premium guest rooms were created on the second floor.

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Japanese Premium

This Japanese Premium room is filled with the essence of Japan, including a wide veranda and attached shoin that spread out at the end of the alley, and a tasteful Goemon bath made with Hiroshima cast iron. This room is recommended for customers who love Japanese history and culture, and customers who would like to experience a Japanese-style room at least once. Please feel free to contact us.

Goemon bath

The newly renovated bathrooms in the guest rooms feature bathtubs modelled on Goemon baths and glazed tiles on the walls. The bathrooms have been redesigned to give a traditional Japanese feel while still respecting privacy.

Japanese Premium (Japanese-style room)

Guest Rooms 214, 215, 216

Area 30㎡

Capacity: 1 to 2 people

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An ancient sanctuary Sleep and wake up on Miyajima, the island of the gods. The changing seasons, A historic townscape leading to Mt. Misen, While feeling the wind of Setouchi, Relax in the arms of the sea and sky. Sharpen your senses from the depths of your memory Enjoy your time at Itsukushima Iroha Please relax and have a good time.

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