Revolutionizing food culture. BiBiBi&JURULi popular project "Chef's Table"

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The Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art's restaurant, BiBiBi&JURULi, is hosting a special event called "Chef's Table." This event is a project based on the concept of "chef x producer x theme," in which up-and-coming chefs from Toyama Prefecture prepare creative dishes based on a unique theme each time...

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Chef's Table to date and response

Previous Chef's Table events have featured a different chef and theme each time, and have provided a luxurious course meal making use of Toyama's abundant ingredients.

For the first event, Chef Kazutaro Sumiyoshi from Italian restaurant Rigoretto in Uozu City served up original dishes using tomatoes with the theme of "session." For the second event, Chef Sugimoto from BiBiBi&JURULi served up a course using mushrooms from Mori no Wa Co., Ltd. with the theme of "connection."

Particularly popular was the collaboration between the second event's cuisine, which made generous use of Toyama-grown mushrooms, and art to coincide with the special exhibition "Shinro Ohtake Exhibition" held at the museum. The fusion of art and food offered visitors a new experience and was very well received.

The third event was a huge success, with Chef Maeda Shintaro from the creative Japanese restaurant "Off the Record" presenting a creative Japanese dish themed on "freshness and aging", and the fourth event was a great success, with Chef Kikuchi Hikaru from the French bistro "aozora" presenting a course themed on "Shin Gibier".

Highlights of the 4th "Shin Gibier"

We would like to introduce you to the 4th Chef's Table, which was held in March of this year.

The theme was "Shin Gibier." Hikaru Kikuchi, the owner and chef of the French bistro "aozora," showed off his skills and served a special course using gibier from Toyama Prefecture. Approximately 80 people visited over the two days and were impressed by the chef's skillful techniques and inventive dishes, as well as the tripling of Fujiokaen tea and Toyama sake selected to match each dish.

We started with soup made with salami from Asiatic black bears caught in the Onagatani area of ​​Toyama City. The oil was washed down with sparkling sake "Onaka" from Nanto City and special blended tea "Kanmuricha" from Hizaokaen. Next, we were served dishes such as "Deer and Turnip" and "Wild Boar".

Among them, the "Spear Squid and Venison" was highly praised, and the squid was stuffed with "Boutin Noir (blood sausage)" made from Kurobe venison, creating a perfect harmony between the tenderness of the squid and the deliciousness of the venison. The fruity Japanese sake "Kisaki" and the refreshing blend of green tea with the aroma of Kuromoji enhanced the flavor.

In addition, the "Roast Wild Boar" was a seasonal dish of thinly sliced ​​wild boar meat with butterbur miso. It went perfectly with the Masuzumi Pure Rice Daiginjo Platinum Ju, captivating the guests. The final dish was a Anaguma risotto served with Toyama Bocha tea.

Chef Kikuchi said in his opening remarks, "I hope that through this event you will learn about the various ways to enjoy game meat," a sentiment echoed by many attendees.

Announcement of the next 5th "Chef's Table"

And finally, the next, fifth Chef's Table will be held on June 3rd and 4th. This time, Yoshihiro Nozawa, the owner chef of Touka Food and Wine in Sogawa, Toyama City, will show off his skills. The theme will be "Kagoshima x Toyama." We are already excited to see what amazing courses will be served.

This "Chef's Table" is a one-night-only event that offers a special dining experience. Each time, the theme is different and the chefs' dishes full of ingenuity continue to surprise and impress visitors. Don't miss this opportunity to fully enjoy the charm of Toyama's ingredients in the beautiful space of the museum.

For details and reservations, please visit the official website. We look forward to seeing you there!

Next time we look forward to!


Official site:

Phone: 076-482-3037 (Contact: Arai)

Address: 3F Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art, 3-20 Kiba-cho, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture

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Established by Shigeru Aoi, CEO of Atom Co., Ltd., which has a connection with Toyama, Kitanihon Shimbun, which represents Toyama, and Ayumu Ishikawa, a professional baseball player from Toyama. We are a team that connects something with Toyama and creates new businesses together with Toyama. If you define “regional revitalization” as creating a sustainable society by making use of the characteristics of each region in Japan to put a brake on the overconcentration of Tokyo, the “regional awakening” that Toyamato is aiming for is completely different. have a concept Instead of being led by the local government or government, many people with a love for Toyama will rediscover the charm of Toyama, take pride in it, and spread it around the world on their own initiative. Ultimately, the main character is “people”, and I believe that the diversity of people mixed together will enhance the appeal of Toyama.

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