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Kyoto Wisteria: 5 Splendid Locations in 2024

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Wisteria flowers are one of the seasonal highlights from mid to late April. In Kyoto, visit the banks of the Kamo River, the Kyoto National Museum, or the Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall in Uji to see beautiful wisteria.

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The latter half of April in Kyoto heralds the enchanting wisteria season. Wisteria flowers have a special place in Japanese culture, being loved for their elegant purple color. One of the prominent Heian-period (794-1185) aristocratic clans that played a central role in governance, the Fujiwaras, had wisteria as their family crest.

As temperatures steadily warm up and the skies clear, visit places like Byodoin Temple in Uji, the KYOCERA Museum of Art or the banks of the Kamo River to immerse yourself in the dreamy purple beauty of wisteria flowers!

Kyoto Wisteria Spots

1. Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall
2. Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
3. Kamo Riverbank
4. Toba Water Environmental Conservation Center
5. Kajuji Temple

Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall in Uji

Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall

At the end of April and the beginning of May, Byodoin Temple welcomes the wisteria season. You can admire the magnificent Phoenix Hall by peering through clusters of purple wisteria flowers.

Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall

The Phoenix Hall was completed in the early 11th century. Due to being constructed on an island in a pond, resembling a palace from the Pure Land of Paradise, the two symmetrical copper phoenixes on the roof have become the iconic symbol of Byodoin Temple.

Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art: The Secret Garden of Kyoto Residents

Kyoto Wisteria: 5 Splendid Locations in 2024

Located next to Heian Shrine, the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art was established in 1933, housing over two thousand art pieces and being Japan's second public art museum.

Combining Japanese and Western architectural styles, the KYOCERA Museum of Art is loved by architecture enthusiasts. The stained glass used at the entrance, the ceiling, and the lighting are all exquisite and intricate. Beyond its art collection, the museum itself is a classic masterpiece!

Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art

What many visitors may not know is that behind the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, there is a hidden, exquisite garden. Many residents living nearby in Kyoto come here in the early morning to walk their dogs, and young mothers often bring their children for picnics.

During the wisteria season, you will see more elderly folks sitting on chairs, enjoying the flowers - it's quite a peaceful and leisurely atmosphere!

Kamo Riverbank: Interweaving Cascades of Purple and White

kamo river wisteria

Early May in Kyoto, before the arrival of the rainy season, is a season of clear skies and sunshine. When visiting during this time, there's nothing like sitting on the Kamo riverbank while gazing up at the sky and watching the drifting white clouds.

kamo river wisteria

The wisteria blooms along Kawaramachi Street next to the Kamo River, between Shijo and Gojo, are truly exquisite! The intertwining white and purple flowers will surely inspire you to take amazing photos.

Toba Water Environmental Conservation Center: Limited-Time Purple Waterfall

Kyoto Wisteria: 5 Splendid Locations in 2024

Photo by Pixta
Located in the southern part of Kyoto, the Toba Water Environmental Conservation Center is specially opened during the wisteria season.

Travelers wishing to take a bus there can simply wait at the Hachijo bus stop at the rear of Kyoto Station. The special bus fare is 100 yen, and the journey takes about 20 minutes. Since it is a direct bus, there is no need to worry about getting off at the wrong stop - just follow the crowd.

Kyoto Wisteria: 5 Splendid Locations in 2024

Photo by Pixta

The Toba Water Environmental Conservation Center boasts a 120-meter wisteria corridor. Strolling beneath this corridor feels like walking under a purple waterfall, creating a splendid and dreamy experience.

In the middle section of the corridor, two trapezoidal structures slope downward, making it an ideal spot for travelers who want to take great photos with the wisteria flowers.

Kajuji Temple: A Hidden Wisteria Delight

Kajuji Temple

Picture courtesy of pixta
Located in the Yamashina district of Kyoto, Kajuji Temple boasts a thousand-year history as a temple. It is the head temple of the Tendai Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism and enshrines the Thousand-armed Kannon as its main deity.

The season when wisteria flowers bloom is from late April to early May. The wisteria blooms prominently by the pond in the temple's garden, offering a view of the pond and wisteria together. Kajuji is one of Kyoto's hidden gems and is ideal for those who wish to enjoy leisurely flower viewing.

Enjoy the Wisteria in Kyoto

Not only beautiful but also deeply connected to Japanese culture, wisteria flowers deserve to be viewed up close when in Kyoto.

These blooms are very delicate so when taking photos of the wisteria, please refrain from pulling, tugging, or damaging them in any way.

Main image by Pixta

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