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Do the Japanese Sleep too Much in Public?

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Many foreigners visiting Japan can be surprised. It is the Japanese " doze ". I asked tourists from all over the world about the Japanese doze.

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There is a particular thing that surprises many people who visit Japan. Specifically, we're talking about "napping". People are shocked by the fact that the Japanese frequently nod off in public. What do you think? We asked travelers from far and wide about napping in Japan.

Do the Japanese Sleep too Much in Public?

・"In Japan people sleep a lot more in public than in America. Even if you're sleeping, nothing will get stolen."
(America, 32 years old)

・"People nap a lot in Korea too, but I think people would be surprised by hard working Japanese people taking naps."
(Korea, 26 years old)

Do the Japanese Sleep too Much in Public?

・"I honestly think that Japanese people work too hard, and they probably don't get enough sleep. But managing to get their sleep like this is probably the reason they live long lives."
(France, 45 years old)

・"I think that napping in public facilities symbolizes safety. I'd like to sleep on the Yamanote Line sometime. It's something I admire."
(Indonesia, 19 years old)

Do the Japanese Sleep too Much in Public?

・"People sleeping in trains always manage to wake up just before their stop, right? How do they do it? I've always wondered."
(India, 28 years old)

・"The trains keep perfect time, and never slam on the breaks. The rails are well maintained, too. Safe. The cushions and air conditioning is perfect. I'd take a nap myself."
(Peru, 44 years old)

It's reasonable to say that the reason behind the Japanese habit to nap arises from their diligent character, among other cultural and environmental factors. Have you noticed anything about their napping habits? How do you feel about it? Culture can be found in anything, even something as seemingly ordinary as "napping".

When even the most unceremonious of daily habits and phenomena can uncover cultural characteristics, it can be fun to take on an objective standpoint and take a stroll.

All pictures from PIXTA

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