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Kochi's Secret Flavor, Soda Bushi: Exploring the Ultimate Umami

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Explore the secrets of Kochi and the charm of Soda-bushi. We will introduce the hidden treasure of the culinary world that brings out the ultimate umami, its production process and how to use it. Experience the value of French chefs visiting directly to purchase.

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The depth of Soudabushi and its reputation in the culinary world

Tosashimizu City boasts the largest production volume of "Sodabushi" in Japan, and accounts for 80% of the nationwide share, but it may not be familiar to ordinary households. However , its value is recognized in the culinary world so much that the chefs of famous French restaurants come to purchase Soda-bushi directly from Tosashimizu City. It is a specialty of Tosashimizu that is very useful even in Japanese restaurants and Japanese cuisine.

Speaking of Kochi, many people imagine bonito. Therefore, even though it is called "Soudabushi", it tends to be thought that it refers to "Katsuobushi" in the local language of Kochi, but it is actually a completely different thing . Katsuobushi, as we know it, is made from bonito, but Soudabushi is made from a fish called mejika. Mejika is also called “Marusoda” locally and belongs to the same “Perciformes mackerel family” as bonito, but it is a different type of fish in the genus Soudagatsuo and bonito.

Characteristics of Soda-bushi and its delicate flavor

Unlike katsuobushi, which is widely used in home cooking and fine dining, sodabushi is popular in high-end restaurants due to its unique flavor and reasonable price. The recommended product for enjoying the characteristic flavor of Soudabushi is “ Soudabushi Dashi Soy Sauce ”. This product contains 3 small Soda-bushi, and you can easily make the finest dashi soy sauce by simply adding the soy sauce you want to use.

Products of Soda-bushi and how to use them

Soudabushi has products that are suitable for various purposes, such as “ Souda bushi for egg over rice ” and “ Soudabushi powder ”. Especially when you shake it with curry, you can feel the deep flavor that is as good as the spice that is the source of the spice.

If you use it in this way, you may become such a fan that you can't eat rice without it.

Also, why not try " Soda Bushi Marukajirihime Katsuo stick" on the way home? This soft boiled Soudabushi is sure to add color to your travel memories.


Click here to make a reservation for accommodation at TheMana Village, which is the base of Ashizuri surrounded by Soda-bushi, the upper-ranked katsuobushi .

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If you want to know more about TheMana Village, please refer to the article below.

"TheMana Village", the treasure of Cape Ashizuri, the southernmost tip of Shikoku - A superb resort experience that combines superb views and comfort

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