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Today's Imperial Palace running tour

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Today's tour participants are super lucky! ! ! We were able to see the ``ceremonial carriage'' used for imperial ceremonies, which is usually hard to see!

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The Imperial Palace is said to be a runner's sacred place, and is one of the places that every Japanese runner wants to run at least once.

What is convenient when running around the Imperial Palace are the locker and shower facilities commonly known as ``Runste'', which have been developed in Japan, especially in Tokyo.

TOKYO ACTIVE TOURS' Imperial Palace running tour starts from Hanzomon, so the tour is held using "Hanzomon Runners Satellite JOGLIS" located in front of Hanzomon.

This "Imperial Palace Running Tour" not only runs around the Imperial Palace, but also takes you around the Imperial Palace and even into the East Gardens, while introducing you to interesting trivia about the Imperial Palace and Edo Castle.

It also contains secret information about the Imperial Palace Running and running trivia that the ordinary tourist wouldn't know, and is very popular with runners from all over the world.

Today we were able to come across an even more super lucky scene! ! !

This ceremonial carriage is a beautifully decorated carriage used during important ceremonies of the imperial family, and is rarely seen.

Apparently there was a ceremony today where the ambassadors of Senegal and Estonia presented their credentials to the Emperor, and we were able to watch it twice!

All the participants today said in unison, "I'm glad we were able to see something good!!" (^^)

Although you won't be able to see them every time you tour (in fact, this is a really rare case!), you'll have a better chance of encountering them if you run to the Imperial Palace, so we highly recommend running to the Imperial Palace!

Click here for details and to apply for the Imperial Palace running tour ↓↓↓

Imperial Palace Running Tour

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All of our guides at TOKYO ACTIVE TOURS are energetic people who love sports♪ Join us and enjoy the history of Tokyo and the rich nature around the Imperial Palace in a healthy way while running, cycling, or walking!

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