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Machida Jidai Festival 2023

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``Machida Jidai Festival'' where you can enjoy traditional Japanese culture such as Yabusame, gunnery, and ancient martial arts outdoors. Don't miss the historical procession of people, horses, and cosplayers dressed as samurai parading around Machida Station!

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Machida Jidai Festival, where you can watch demonstrations such as Yabusame and gunnery in one venue.

The Machida Period Festival is held to remember the history and culture that remains in the area, including the Oyamada samurai clan that was active during the Kamakura period.

Machida's annual autumn event.

This year as well, Japanese-style cosplayers will be participating in the period procession, in which around 80 people will be reenacting samurai and agricultural soldiers in armor and parading from in front of Machida Station to Serigaya Park.

At Serigaya Park, you can enjoy yabusame, where you can hear the sounds of horses galloping and targets being shot up close, as well as the impressive yabusame, where you can hear the sound of matchlock gun shots that reverberate in your stomach.

You can enjoy gunnery, iaido batto, and traditional martial arts demonstrations in one venue.

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