[Kusatsu, Shiga Prefecture] A must-go for Lake Biwa sightseeing! A comprehensive museum themed around the ancient lake, Lake Biwa.

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A museum where you can enjoy learning about the origins of Lake Biwa, its surrounding environment, and its relationship with people and creatures. It boasts one of the largest aquatic exhibits of freshwater creatures in Japan. Everyone from children to adults can encounter discoveries and excitement...

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What is Lake Biwa Museum?

Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, is one of the ancient lakes with a long history of 4 million years. More than 2,000 species live in Lake Biwa, including many endemic species. Lake Biwa Museum is a museum where you can experience and learn everything about Lake Biwa, the mother lake that supports living things and our daily lives.

basic information

Phone: 077-568-4811

Address: 1091 Shimonocho, Kusatsu City

Opening hours: 9:30-17:00 (admission until 16:00)

Closed: Mondays (open if Monday is a holiday), year-end and New Year holidays, and other closures

Parking: Yes (charged)

Access: Approximately 25 minutes by Omi Railway Bus bound for Lake Biwa Museum from the West Exit of JR Kusatsu Station.

Click here for the website of Lake Biwa Museum

Exhibition introduction inside the museum

This is the world's first exhibition of half the body and half bones of the Tudanski elephant.

There is also an exhibition of actual specimens that allow you to experience the nature and living things of Lake Biwa.

The museum offers a panoramic view of Lake Biwa.

*All photos are from Lake Biwa Museum.

Comments from the curator of Lake Biwa Museum

Conducting research as a curator at one of the world's leading freshwater fish museums

I am from Kusatsu City, and since I was an elementary school student, I wanted to research the fish of Lake Biwa, and after seeing an exhibit at the Lake Biwa Museum, I decided to become a curator. My dream has come true, and as a curator I am conducting research on elucidating the origin, classification, and conservation of freshwater fish in Lake Biwa. One of the highlights of the Lake Biwa Museum is the exhibits that introduce the curators' research and accumulated results. In order to pass on the wonderful nature of Lake Biwa to the future, I would like to continue researching and putting effort into exhibitions.

Recommendations from curators! I would like to promote the fact that Kusatsu City is home to one of the world's leading museums, not just in Japan. Please enjoy the various exhibits related to Lake Biwa, including the tunnel aquarium.

Lake Biwa Museum HP

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This site introduces tourist information for Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture. It is packed with information on attractive spots, hotels, and gourmet food, such as the nature-filled aquatic plant park Mizunomori, Lake Biwa Museum, the historic Tachiki shrine and the Sandai shrine, Kusatsujuku Honjin, and Rokuha Park, which is fun for the whole family.

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