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[Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture] Konshoji Temple, a hidden moss village nestled in Mt. Konze

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Konshoji is a Tendai sect temple located in a tranquil setting near the top of Mt. Konsho. As soon as you step inside, you'll see deep green trees and a single moss-covered approach to the temple. It's like you're in another world. Why not feel the power of nature at this historic temple that was bu...

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What is Konshoji Temple?

Konshoji Temple is a Tendai sect temple located in Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture, about 45 minutes by car from Kyoto.

Enjoy the tranquil surroundings near the summit of Mt. Konze and the natural beauty of the four seasons, as well as the clear air.

As soon as you step inside, you'll see deep green trees and a single moss-covered approach to the shrine. It's like you're in another world.

Why not feel the power of nature at this historic temple that was built approximately 1,300 years ago?

basic information

Visiting hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (9:00 to 16:30 from December to March)

Admission fee: 500 yen (450 yen for groups of 20 or more)

Parking: Available (10 or more cars)

Main Hall

Wooden seated statue of Shakyamuni Tathagata<br>
Wooden seated statue of Shakyamuni Tathagata

It houses a wooden seated statue of Shakyamuni Nyorai, an Important Cultural Property, as well as a standing statue of Bato Kannon Bodhisattva and a standing statue of Acala.

Niomon Gate

Activities (Zazen/Moss Fieldwork/Forest Bathing Yoga)

Zen meditation experience

Its original meaning is to "quietly look into your own heart."

Just feel yourself as you are and feel the energy of nature.

Zazen is a method of Buddhist training in which you sit upright and focus your mind to face yourself.

Enjoy a moment of mindfulness with a Zen meditation experience in the main hall.

Moss fieldwork

In recent years, Kinshoji Temple has become known as a famous moss spot in Japan, and more than 70 types of moss grow there.

You will carry out fieldwork with a specialist guide to observe a wide variety of moss.

With a magnifying glass and a guide map of Kinshoji moss in hand, you can enjoy the delicate and mysterious microscopic world.

Forest Bathing Yoga

Yoga will be held at the remains of the Great Lecture Hall, which is located at the highest point within the temple grounds.

In a quiet space surrounded by trees, you can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in nature.

Do you want to free your body and mind?

how to access

By car

About 30 minutes from Ritto IC on the Meishin Expressway

It is about 10 minutes from the forest road entrance opposite the roadside station "Konzenosato Rittou" along Prefectural Route 12 Ritto Shigaraki Line. Once you enter the forest road, the road becomes very narrow.

If you are coming by bus

The Konze Meguri-chan Bus, which operates on weekends and holidays in spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October), is convenient.

JR Tehara Station = = Konshoji Temple Travel time: Approx.

Recommended spots around Konshoji Temple

Get away from the hustle and bustle and relax in nature

This time we introduced the charm of Konshoji Temple.

This is a recommended healing spot in Ritto City where you can feel the power of nature. Please come and visit!

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Historical heritage sites such as temples, shrines, and burial mounds can be found throughout the city, including along the old Tokaido and Nakasendo routes. In addition, the Kanakatsu Mountain Range in the southern part of the city is a beautiful area rich in nature and historical sites that has been selected as one of the top 100 forests for forest bathing in Japan, and there are hiking trails.

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