Why AJINOMOTO Gyoza is Loved in Japan - Event Details Included

Girls' trip - White-fronted geese take off in Izunuma and Uchinuma -

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"It's pitch black...and cold!" I instinctively shove my hands into my pockets as the cold wind blows. The two of them came to Izunuma, a lake that spreads out in the Wakayanagi area of ​​Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture.

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Early morning flight of white-fronted geese

Bring your favorite camera to capture the early morning flight of white-fronted geese.

As for the journey to get here, since it was early in the morning on the day of the shoot, we stayed at a hotel in the city near Izunuma the day before. And this morning, I woke up at 5 a.m., rubbed my sleepy eyes, wrapped myself in warm down, packed a disposable body warmer, and made sure to have a hot drink ready.

I quickly got into the car and headed towards Tome City on Prefectural Route 176, also known as the Wakayanagi Tsukidate Line.

Since it was still before dawn, the surrounding area was completely dark. In addition, where in Izunuma can you see white-fronted geese taking flight? There are no particularly noticeable landmarks.

However, for two people who are used to traveling, what is that? With practiced skill, I checked the map on my smartphone and discovered the ``Izunuma wild goose takeoff point''. I'm glad we arrived safely.

The departure point is located at the very edge of Izunuma, so if you visit once, you'll be able to get there easily the next time. However, there are no restrooms, vending machines, or a dedicated parking lot, so pull up close to the lake and park, but be careful as the road is narrow.

When the clock hands passed 6:20am...

The sky is covered with a thin veil of dark blue, and the orange glow of the morning glow stands out beautifully on the surface of Lake Izunuma.

Boasting an area of ​​369 hectares, the swamp is the largest in Miyagi Prefecture and stretches across Kurihara City and Tome City. The adjacent Uchinuma, which is connected to Izunuma by a single river, was once one large swamp and was called Onuma due to its size.

"Wow, hey! It's getting brighter, isn't it?"

"It's true! Look, camera, camera!"

The two laugh and point at the camera at perfect timing. The clear cold winter air is no problem for these two best friends. When one of us is depressed, the other naturally embraces us, and even without words, we can nod to each other with just a few gestures.

Izunuma and Uchinuma are known as some of the rarest lakes in the world.

Many migratory birds, including 2,000 to 3,000 whooper swans and tens of thousands of white-fronted geese, visit here every year to survive the winter.

Even in the middle of winter, the maximum temperature generally rises to around 4 degrees Celsius, the water surface is hard to freeze, there are abundant aquatic plants that birds like, and various other conditions combine to make it popular as a comfortable home for many birds. It's happening.

Coo, coo, coo. . .

The voices of several white-fronted geese, which I thought I could faintly hear, gradually began to echo like an orchestral piece, and at the same time, the light of the morning glow began to grow steadily towards the two men standing on the edge of the swamp.

Soon, the cries of white-fronted geese echo throughout the area.

Kukuu...! Quuuuuuuck! !

Quer quaa! ! !

The sun has risen! let's go!

As if the leader were calling out to them, the white-fronted geese all gracefully swam their jet-black wings and took off in the same direction.

"Wow! This is amazing!!"

Click, click...!

They wanted to see it with the naked eye, but they called out to each other through the viewfinder of their favorite camera. The flock of white-fronted geese rushes in so quickly that you can't take the shutter in time, and you'll get goosebumps from the sheer force of the flock.

The two of them gulped.

White-fronted geese fly in the letter "V" formation.

A certain pattern has begun to emerge in the way the white-fronted geese fly. In the background, a world of beautiful colors spreads out that will make you look back at it over and over again.

The gentle and soft orange of the early morning sun is beautifully layered with the faint indigo of the night, leaving you speechless at the beautiful gradation.

It makes sense that so many people come not only from Japan but from all over the world to witness this beautiful moment. Several groups of people were already holding cameras around the two.

Shortly after, the two of them slowly lowered their cameras and gazed once again at the mystical scenery in front of them.

Strangely enough, as I gaze at the peaceful Izunuma Lake shimmering before my eyes, I forget the existence of time.

"That's amazing. I'm glad I woke up early!"

"That's true. Did you get a good shot?"

"Show me! Show me!"

The white-fronted geese look down from above as they play and exchange cameras with each other, making pleasant calls.

Both of them were very satisfied with the beauty, which was beyond their imagination.

With a smile on my face, I set off on my next journey.

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The city is located in the northwestern part of Miyagi Prefecture, and the entire city is part of the Kurikoma Geopark. Mount Kurikoma, with an altitude of 1,626m, located at the northwestern edge of the city, is designated as a quasi-national park, and is famous nationwide for its fall foliage, "Kami no Carpet". In addition, Izunuma and Uchinuma, which are located in the southeast, are registered wetlands under the Ramsar Convention, and are visited by many migratory birds such as lotuses in summer and white-fronted geese and swans in winter. In addition, the three major parks of Geopark Visitor Center, Hosokura Mine Park, and Kuriden Museum, hot springs, local sake, rural scenery, and old folk houses are all attractive places for relaxing Kurihara time.

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