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200 people celebrated. Fukusaki Town's beloved kappa "Gajiro" 10th anniversary ceremony held

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Fukusaki Town -- On February 14th, a ceremony was held at the Fukusaki Town Tsujikawa Tourism Exchange Center to celebrate the 10th anniversary of "Gajiro," which is known as an essential part of Fukusaki Town's tourism.

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Approximately 200 people, including the two members of Armican (Shochiku Entertainment), related parties, and fans gathered on this special day and heartily celebrated Gajiro's 10th anniversary.
At the 10th anniversary ceremony, a memorial movie titled ``The History of the Gajiro'' was shown, looking back on the role that the Gajiro has played in tourism and its history.

Then, as the audience's expectations rose, Gajiro appeared.

With deep emotional expressions, the two from Alumikan talked about what a wonderful encounter it was, and renewed their determination to continue to liven up Fukusaki Town together.

In addition, an award ceremony was held for the winning works of the Gajiro drawing contest, which was held as a 10th anniversary event.

Gajiro picture contest award ceremony<br>
Gajiro picture contest award ceremony

The submitted works, including the winning ones, will be on display at the museum until February 29th, and their love and admiration for Gajiro will be encapsulated in the works.
Gajiro's 10th anniversary ceremony marked a new chapter in the history of Fukusaki Town.
I am sure that the bond between Gajiro and Fukusaki Town will continue to deepen and contribute to the development of the region.

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