Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

~Traditional Japanese beauty at your side~【MOTTETE】

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[MOTTETE] is a product made by upcycling pure silk fabrics from the Showa era. Each item is carefully made with the hope that people will feel the gentle touch of pure silk more intimately.

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What is pure silk?

Pure silk is a fabric made from 100% pure silk. Pure silk has a refined luster unique to silk and a fine texture. The silk thread used for pure silk is made from the cocoons produced by silkworms.

Its gentle feel is due to the fact that it is made from fibers whose components are similar to the proteins that make up human skin, making it the perfect material with a high affinity for the skin and less likely to cause an adverse reaction.

Adding traditional Japanese beauty to your everyday life

Purchase MOTTETE here

Upcycling Showa-era kimono fabric. Let's make a "sacoche" together!

Please choose your fabric from rolls of cloth from the Showa period (there are many more available).
Please choose your fabric from rolls of cloth from the Showa period (there are many more available).

Make your own "sacoche" from a single piece of fabric

From vibrant colors to more subdued colors and Japanese designs...

Enjoy a unique stay and experience...

Customized Accommodation Plan Schedule

10:00-11:30 Meet at Bokakuan

11:45~12:45 Lunch and Break

12:45-13:00 Move to Susakimachi Shopping Street

13:00~ Material selection, experience begins

17:00 End

17:15-17:30 Move to Bokakuan (free time afterwards)

Kiokunobotan Travel accommodation plan

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Bouton/Bokakuan is a space created by renovating a former craft store and residence in a corner of a shopping street in Nogata City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The banks of the Onga River, which flows through the center of the city, and Mount Fukuchi, which can be viewed from the riverbed, are very beautiful. The city center, where time flows peacefully, is a place where you can spend your time at a leisurely pace. I enjoy listening to people's stories, reading books, taking photos, and taking walks. I also cherish my time by tending to the garden at Bokakuan. Please come and have a nice chat and share some quiet time together.

The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.

The contents on this page may partially contain automatic translation.