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[From Eeyan ! Osaka Shopping Street]"Nozaki Mairi" - Offering prayers of gratitude to all living things

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Now featured in "Eeyan! Osaka Shopping Streets"! Introducing the best shopping street experiences and tourist spots you'll want to try if you come to Osaka! We're providing information on how to see, eat, play, and enjoy Osaka's shopping streets to the fullest. If you read this, you'll want to come ...

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Iimoriyama stands majestically in the Kitakawachi area. At the foot of the mountain is Fukujusan's Jigenji Temple, also known as the Nozaki Mairi, which can be found just past the Nozaki Sando Shopping Arcade from Nozaki Station on the JR Gakkentoshi Line.

Jigenji Temple dates back more than 1,300 years ago. The temple is said to have begun when the Buddhist monk Gyoki was so moved by the words of a Brahman priest, who said that the place resembled the land of Harana, where Shakyamuni first preached Buddhism, that he carved and enshrined an eleven-headed Kannon statue.

The Nozaki Mairi, an event handed down since the Genroku period, is actually called the Muenkyo Memorial Service, and is a traditional event in which sutras of gratitude are offered to all living beings.

The magnificent scenery of Mt. Iimori surrounded by nature and Nozaki Kannon Temple, which conveys ancient history to the present day. Why not embark on a journey through time that the Nozaki Sando Shopping Street is proud of?

Nozaki Kannon Jigenji Temple

Nozaki-sando Shopping Street

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Osaka's shopping streets support the lives and employment of the prefecture's residents, play an important role as regional infrastructure, and are attractive as places for local people to interact. With an eye on the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, we have opened the portal site "Eeyan! Osaka Shopping Streets" as an initiative to promote the appeal of Osaka's shopping streets and stores and digitize them. "Wow, there's a shopping street like this! I'll go check it out next time!" Please use "Eeyan! Osaka Shopping Streets" to discover new aspects of shopping streets you didn't know about or your local shopping street, and to have wonderful encounters with shopping streets.

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