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Shopping at Nagoya Station: Souvenir Shop Guide 2024

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Looking for souvenirs at Nagoya Station? We introduce the best souvenir shops inside and around the station, along with three popular Nagoya souvenirs, shop business hours, and access information.

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Nagoya Station Souvenir Kiosks and Shops

Purchasing a souvenir unique to Nagoya is one of the essential pleasures when visiting the city for sightseeing or business!

In addition to the souvenir shops located inside and outside JR Nagoya Station's ticket gates, you can also buy something at one of the many commercial facilities close by.

We introduce souvenir shops at JR Nagoya Station and in the nearby area, including the operating hours for each shop and how to get there easily.

Nagoya Station Souvenir Shopping Guide

Nagoya Station Souvenir Kiosks and Shop Business Hours
Top 3 Souvenirs to Buy at Nagoya Station
1. Kaeru Manju: Frog-Shaped Sweet Buns
2. Nama Shiruko Sandwich: Smooth Biscuit Sandwich with Red Bean Paste
3. Yukari Rice Crackers

Souvenir Shops Outside the Ticket Gates
Souvenir Shops Inside the Ticket Gates

Other Shops and Department Stores at Nagoya Station
- JR Nagoya Takashimaya
- ESCA Underground Mall
- Meitetsu Department Store
- Dai Nagoya Building
- Bellmart Kiosk (JR Gate Tower)

Nagoya Station Souvenir Kiosks and Shops-Business Hours (*)

*Click on the location (left column) and you'll be taken directly to that section

Location Business Hours Nearest Ticket Gate
1. JR Nagoya Station (Outside the Ticket Gates) 6:00-23:00
*Depends on the shop
・Central Ticket Gates
・Cental North Ticket Gates, etc.
2. JR Nagoya Station (Inside the Ticket Gates) 6:00-21:30
*Depends on the shop
・Shinkansen North Gates
・Shinkansen South Gates, etc.
3. JR Nagoya Takashimaya 10:00-20:00 ・Sakura-Dori Gates
・Central Gates, etc.
4. ESCA Underground Mall 10:00-20:30 ・Central North Gates
・Shinkansen North Gates
5. Meitetsu Department Store 10:00-20:00 ・Sakura-Dori Gates
6. Dai Nagoya Building 11:00-20:00, 21:00
*Depends on the shop
・Sakura-Dori Gates
・Shinkansen South Gates, etc.
7. Bellmart Kiosk
(JR Gate Tower-15F)
Weekdays 7:15-22:00
Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays 7:45-22:00
・Sakura-Dori Gates
・Shinkansen South Gates, etc.

*Information courtesy of the respective shops

The Top 3 Nagoya Station Souvenirs

Among the many souvenirs you can buy in the Nagoya Station area, in particular, we'd like to introduce three highly popular ones.

1. Kaeru Manju (Aoyagi Sohonke Company)


Kaeru Manju. Picture courtesy of PRtimes

Kaeru Manju is a popular Nagoya souvenir. This cute frog-shaped confection is enjoyed by people of all ages and comes with a message such as "Safety Frog (For travel and business)" and "Happiness-Good Luck Frog."

You can choose between the popular three-piece koshian (crushed azuki bean paste) and seasonal flavor manju box (443 yen) or the six-piece box (864 yen). Aoyagi Sohonke, a long-established confectionery company in Nagoya with a history exceeding 140 years, is also famous for a confection known as Aoyagi Uiro.

Available Locations: Grand Kiosk Nagoya, Aoyagi Sohonke ESCA Shop, Gift Kiosk Nagoya (Cream Cheese and Lemon Kaeru-Sold in a two-piece box), etc.
Product Homepage: Kaeru Manju

2. Nama Shiruko Sandwich (Matsunaga Seika Company)


Nama Shiruko Sandwich. Picture courtesy of PRtimes

The Nama Shiruko Sandwich is a more luxurious and updated version of the Shiruko Sandwich—Aichi Prefecture's representative confection.

This delectable treat consists of azuki bean paste layered between two moist biscuits. It comes in three varieties: tsubuan (azuki bean paste with whole beans), koshian (smooth azuki bean paste), and matcha tea.

Customers can choose from different size boxes including a five-piece box (1,188 yen), 12-piece assorted box (2,592 yen), and 18-piece assorted box (3,400 yen). Each sandwich is individually wrapped, so we recommend giving this souvenir to friends and coworkers!

Available Locations: JR Nagoya Takashimaya, etc.
Product Homepage: Nama Shiruko Sandwich (Japanese)

3. Yukari (Bankaku Sohonpo Company)


Yukari. Picture courtesy of PRtimes

Yukari is a popular Nagoya confection. These shrimp-flavored rice crackers are sold by Bankaku Sohonpo, a company with a history dating back more than 135 years.

They use lots of all natural shrimp, so you can enjoy the full-bodied flavor and aroma of this seafood item. There are various size boxes from the eight-piece box (691 yen), 12-piece box (1,080 yen), and 18-piece box (1,620 yen), all the way to the 56-piece box (5,400 yen). So you can choose the one that best fits the occasion.

Available Locations: Grand Kiosk Nagoya, Bankaku Sohonpo JR Nagoya Takashimaya Shop, Bankaku Sohonpo Meitetsu Department Store Shop, etc.
Product Homepage: Yukari (Japanese)

Shops Outside the JR Nagoya Station Gates: 1F Concourse

The 1F Concourse is located outside the JR Nagoya Station Ticket Gates.

Here you'll find a total of eight shops and convenience stores selling souvenirs. Most of these operate from the early morning until late evening—the earliest shop opens at 6:00 and the latest stays open until 23:00.

These shops are right near the ticket gates, so you can even pick up a gift just before boarding your train. We especially recommend Grand Kiosk Nagoya with its more than 250 different souvenirs! Stop in here and you'll definitely find what you're looking for!

1F Concourse Souvenir Shops-Business Hours

Shop Name Business Hours Details
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-Shinkansen South Gates 6:00-22:00 Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-Shinkansen North Gates 6:00-23:00 Official Homepage
Grand Kiosk Nagoya 6:15-22:00 Official Homepage
Bellmart Kiosk-Hirokoji Entrance 6:30-22:00 Official Homepage
Bellmart Kiosk-Taikodori Side 6:30-22:00 Official Homepage
Bellmart Kiosk-Sakuradori Side 6:30-23:00 Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-Sakuradori Side 7:00-21:55 Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya 7:00-22:00 Official Homepage

*All official homepages are in Japanese.

Gift Kiosk Nagoya: Shinkansen North Gates


Business Hours: 6:00-23:00
Nearest Ticket Gates: Shinkansen North and South Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Gift Kiosk Nagoya

Grand Kiosk Nagoya


Business Hours: 6:15-22:00
Nearest Ticket Gates: Central Gates, Sakuradori Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Grand Kiosk Nagoya

Shops Inside the JR Nagoya Station Ticket Gates

JR Nagoya Station has souvenir shops here and there inside the conventional train line ticket gates and Shinkansen gates.

There are two shops inside the conventional train line ticket gates which are accessible with just a regular ticket. Then inside the shinkansen ticket gates (requires a shinkansen ticket) there are also two shops. But please remember that if you enter from the Shinkansen gates, you won't be able to go to the souvenir shop inside the conventional line ticket gates!

Also keep in mind that shops inside the ticket gates have shorter business hours and a more limited souvenir selection than their counterpart shops outside the gates. So we recommend buying souvenirs outside the ticket gate whenever possible, and then using shops inside the gates for last-minute purchases!

Souvenir Shops Inside the Gates and Shop Business Hours

Shop Name Business Hours Location Details
Kiosk Sakuradori (Inside the Gates) 6:15-21:00
(Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays)
Conventional Lines-Inside the Sakuradori Gates Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-Hirokoji Gates 7:00-21:00 Conventional Lines-Inside the Sakuradori Gates Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-North Waiting Lounge 6:00-21:30 Inside the Shinkansen Gates Official Homepage
Gift Kiosk Nagoya-South Waiting Lounge 6:00-21:30 Inside the Shinkansen Gates Official Homepage

*All official homepages are in Japanese.


Shinkansen North Ticket Gates


Shinkansen South Ticket Gates

JR Nagoya Takashimaya


JR Nagoya Takashimaya / photo by pixta

JR Nagoya Takashimaya has a direct connection to JR Nagoya Station. This department store has more than 170 shops. The basement first floor (B1F) in particular has about 60 shops, from Western-style to Japanese-style confectionery. This is the ideal spot for souvenir hunting!

JR Nagoya Takashimaya-limited souvenirs with package designs unique to Nagoya are also sold at many shops. It's a special feeling being able to pick up souvenirs that aren't available anywhere else! Here you'll find high-quality department store products which are also perfect for gift giving.

Souvenir Floor Business Hours Time Required From JR Nagoya Station Available Brands
Basement 1st Floor (B1F) 10:00-20:00 About one minute Official Homepage

Getting to JR Nagoya Takashimaya


After first exiting from JR Nagoya Station's Sakuradori Ticket Gates and continuing on to the right side, you'll see the Gold Clock.


Nearby, on either side of the Gold Clock, there are entrances to JR Nagoya Takashimaya!

ESCA Underground Mall


ECSA Underground Mall is located right near JR Nagoya Station's Shinkansen Ticket Gates. It has about 80 shops including eight souvenir shops. We highly recommend Nagomi-ya which has a full selection of local mascot characters and related goods.

In ESCA Underground Mall there's a shop specializing in capsule toys (gachapon), as well as drugstores, and restaurants where you can savor Nagoya specialties. So you can combine a meal or other shopping after making your souvenir purchases.

Souvenir Floor Business Hours Time Required From JR Nagoya Station Available Brands
Basement 1st Floor (B1F) 9:00-20:30
*Depends on the shop
About one minute Official Homepage

Calm (Nagomi-ya)


Business Hours: 10:00-20:30
Nearest Gates: Shinkansen North and South Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Calm



Business Hours: 9:00-20:30
Nearest Gates] Shinkansen North and South Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Gift Kiosk

Aoyagi Uiro


Business Hours: 10:00-20:00
Nearest Gates: Shinkansen North and South Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Aoyagi Uiro

Miso Udon: Yamamoto-ya Main Store and Shop

味噌煮込うどん 山本屋本店・売店

Business Hours: 9:00-20:30
Nearest Gates: Shinkansen North and South Gates, Central North Gates
Official Homepage: Yamamoto-ya

Getting to ESCA Underground Mall


If you exit from JR Nagoya Station's Central North Gates or Shinkansen Ticket Gates, you'll soon see the Taikodori Side (Exit) which will take you outside the station.


When you leave the building there's an escalator right in front of you going down to the ESCA Underground Mall. So just take the escalator down to the basement level!

Meitetsu Department Store


Meitetsu Department Store's Nana-chan mannequin. Photo by Pixta

Meitetsu Department Store is directly connected to Meitetsu Nagoya Station. This department store is also only three minutes on foot from JR Nagoya Station.

On the basement first floor (B1F) you'll find Sweets Station, a collection of about 45 shops selling both Western-style and Japanese-style confectionery. There's also special limited edition products only found at Meitetsu Department Store.

This department store also has Nana-chan, a 610 centimeter-tall mannequin that's famous as a meeting spot. There are also souvenirs with Nana-chan motifs, so be sure to check these out!

Souvenir Floor Business Hours Time Required From JR Nagoya Station Available Brands
Basement 1st Floor (B1F) 10:00-20:00
*Depends on the shop
About three minutes Official Homepage

Getting to Meitetsu Department Store


If you exit from JR Nagoya Station's Sakuradori Ticket Gates and continue on to the right side, you'll see the Gold Clock.


Take this exit (Sakuradori Side) to leave the building, then keep going straight using the roof as a guide.


When you see the police station (koban) directly in front, turn right.


Then you'll see Meitetsu Department Store on the right-hand side in front of you!

Dai Nagoya Building


Dai Nagoya Building

Dai Nagoya Building is a very tall building filled with about 100 retail tenants.

The basement first floor (B1F) has ten shops selling souvenirs. One of them is Buttery, a shop specializing in butter sweets—a Nagoya original! Here you can also purchase Dai Nagoya Building-limited edition souvenirs.

In addition, the fifth floor features Sky Garden, a popular spot that's free for everyone. We recommend coming here for a well-deserved break during your shopping excursion!

Souvenir Floor Business Hours Time Required From JR Nagoya Station Available Brands
Basement 1st Floor (B1F) 11:00-21:00 About three to five minutes Official Homepage

Getting to Dai Nagoya Building


To leave the station building we'll take the Sakuradori Side Exit. This is the closest exit from the Gold Clock which stands outside the JR Nagoya Station Ticket Gates.


When you leave the building and go straight, you'll see some stairs going down to the Higashiyama Subway Line. We'll take these stairs.


After descending the stairs we'll continue going straight along the corridor. When you see the sign saying, Dai Nagoya Building (above photo), it means we're only 50 meters away from our destination!


We finally made it to the entrance of the Dai Nagoya Building. Well Done!

Bellmart Kiosk (JR Gate Tower-15F)


Bellmart Kiosk is located on the 15th floor of JR Gate Tower which is connected directly to JR Nagoya Station. This shop is similar to a convenience store. In addition to light meals such as sandwiches and bento boxes, they also handle Nagoya souvenirs.

On the same floor, there's the entrance to the JR Gate Tower Hotel. The 12th and 13th floors are occupied by restaurants, so for restaurant patrons and hotel guests alike, Bellmart Kiosk is a handy spot for picking up a souvenir.

Souvenir Floor Business Hours Time Required From JR Nagoya Station Details
JR Gate Tower-15F 7:15-22:00 (Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays 7:45-22:00) About five minutes Official Homepage (Japanese)

Getting to Bellmart Kiosk


To leave the station building we'll take the Sakuradori Side Exit. This is the closest exit from the Gold Clock which stands outside the JR Nagoya Station Ticket Gates.


After leaving the building, we'll take the escalator on the left that's going up to the next floor. Then we'll continue up to the 15th floor either by escalator or elevator.


When you leave the 15th floor elevator hall and turn right, you'll see Bellmark Kiosk!

Let's Pick Up Some Souvenirs in the Nagoya Station Area!

In the Nagoya Station area, there are many shops selling souvenirs filled with the charm of Nagoya.

On your next visit here, be sure to check the business hours and access information for all the shops featured in this article, then please enjoy picking up all your souvenirs in the most efficient way possible!

Main image courtesy of PRtimes

Written by



Tokyo, Japan

Editorial assistant at MATCHA since 2022. I'm from Tokyo, and I often go to parks on weekends to see nature and dogs.

I have loved international exchange since I was a child, and during my university years I studied abroad in San Jose, USA. Now, I'm really enjoying discovering new things by seeing Japan from the perspective of a tourist visiting Japan.

Hobbies: Walking, coffee, art, movies, traveling
Favorite places: Shibuya, Yoyogi Park, Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Isshiki Beach, Aso in Kumamoto
The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.