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A complete guide to watching sports in Japan: what to bring, etiquette and more

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Here's the summary of how to enjoy watching sports at Japanese stadiums. We will introduce all the information you need to know about baseball, volleyball, soccer, sumo, tennis, basketball, and other sports you might want to watch at a stadium.

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People from all countries love watching sports. Japanese people are no exception. However, Japan sometimes has its own unique rules for watching sports. If you're going to enjoy watching a sport in Japan, you'll want to learn the rules and enjoy watching a sport like the Japanese do. In this article, we'll introduce you to all the information you need to know about watching sports in Japan, to make your sports viewing experience even better!

First, we will introduce the entrance times, outdoor stadiums and what to do if it rains, indoor stadiums, basic belongings, prohibited items, clothing, etiquette and points to note. Next, we will introduce the necessary information for watching sports in Japan in detail for each sport: baseball, volleyball, basketball, soccer and sumo!

The rules for watching games vary depending on the game, so I cannot provide you with all the information you need when watching a game, but I will write to provide you with as much useful information as possible, using examples from watching games in Tokyo (at the Tokyo Dome, etc.).

With Japan Sports Ticket, you can easily purchase tickets to Japanese sports events using only English. Check out the website if there is a ticket you want to purchase!

Check out Japanese sports matches

We are also accepting individual questions related to watching the game. Please feel free to contact us via chat on our website or by email if you have any questions!

When should I go to the stadium?

If you've taken the trouble to buy tickets in Japan, you don't want to miss out on a great performance or leave without having time to enjoy the merchandise and food at the venue. To avoid this, it's important to know the entrance and closing times and plan your schedule accordingly.

The start time of admission varies depending on the stadium and the game, so it is difficult to say in general. In most sports, admission and leaving during the game are generally allowed. However, to get more accurate information, it is a good idea to check the opening and closing times in advance on the Internet. "Japan Sport Ticket" can help you with the communication involved in purchasing tickets. "Japan Sports Ticket" accepts free online inquiries, inquiries by email, and inquiries through the form on its website.

What can I or can't bring?

The items you need to bring to watch sports are basically the same as in other countries.

What to bring




Useful things to have

・Garbage bags: Please do not litter. There are trash cans at the stadium, but it is useful to have a garbage bag to temporarily collect your garbage.




What you cannot bring in

・Firearms, swords, fireworks, firecrackers, toxic substances, and other similar items

・Bottles and cans

・Ice boxes

The rules for bringing in food and drinks are very strict. Many stadiums prohibit bringing in food and drinks, but some allow you to bring in a drink or a plastic bottle to prevent heatstroke, and the rules for bringing in food and drinks vary from stadium to stadium.

How to spend time at an outdoor stadium

Soccer and baseball games are held in outdoor stadiums. The photo below shows a typical outdoor stadium. Outdoor stadiums are often large, and you can enjoy the lively atmosphere with fan clubs singing team-specific cheers and using instruments to cheer on the team. There are also girls selling beer, which is a common sight at Japanese games, so why not try buying some?

On the other hand, one concern at outdoor stadiums is the weather. Generally, matches are held even in the rain. However, in the following cases, the match will be canceled. When the weather worsens and it looks like it will be difficult for spectators to return home after the match, or when the rain prevents players from arriving at the stadium. Even so, it is useful to have an umbrella or raincoat on your way to the stadium or to avoid rain that may be blown by the wind. Please note that umbrellas are often prohibited inside stadiums. Umbrellas are convenient for traveling to the stadium. Compact folding umbrellas are even more convenient.

1. Raincoat, rubber bands

Raincoats are useful when watching a game. Most Japanese people wear them when watching a game on a rainy day. They can be purchased at various places such as home improvement centers and 100-yen shops, and are reasonably priced. Here's a little tip: you can tie the cuffs together with rubber bands to prevent water from getting in through the sleeves.

2. Hats

Professional game watchers wear hats under their raincoats because raincoats do not adequately protect against water droplets getting on the face. Hats are convenient for those who don't want to miss a great play because the water droplets obstruct their view.

3. Towels

It is useful for wiping off rain that cannot be prevented by an umbrella or raincoat. They are often sold as original team goods at games, so you can get them at the stadium and they will also become a memorable item. Also, since summers have been hot recently, they are also essential for wiping off sweat.

4. Waterproof smartphone case

You will use your smartphone frequently at the stadium, such as when entering with an electronic ticket, taking photos, etc. It is useful to have a waterproof case to prevent your smartphone from getting wet and breaking down.

5. Large garbage bags

You can buy them at convenience stores and supermarkets. Place a large garbage bag over your belongings to prevent rainwater from seeping into them.

How to spend time at an indoor stadium

Volleyball, basketball, sumo and other sports are held in indoor stadiums.

At large-scale basketball and volleyball games, taking advantage of indoor environments where sound can easily reach the crowd, there are often light and music effects during breaks. Many venues also prohibit bringing in musical instruments for cheering. Also, at small and medium-sized games, you may be required to take off your shoes when watching the game.

In addition, indoor stadiums

About clothing etc.

Dress code is casual! It would be fun to buy some original team merchandise at the venue and wear it.

Taking photographs is usually allowed, but please refrain from using flash photography as it may disrupt the play. It's easy to get engrossed in the game while watching, but just as is expected in any country, please be considerate of the players and those around you and enjoy watching the game.

What sports are popular in Japan?

Foreign tourists who have experienced watching sports in Japan always return home very happy, saying, "It was a wonderful experience" and "It was the highlight of my trip." In addition to the well-known sports of baseball, sumo, and soccer, the popularity of various sports has recently expanded to include volleyball, basketball, tennis, martial arts, and track and field. Why not try watching sports during your trip?

Read reviews of watching sports in Japan


Even if you have seen a sport in your own country, watching it in Japan will give you a different kind of excitement. In this article, we have explained the necessary knowledge to watch a game in Japan. Regardless of nationality, you must observe Japanese manners and rules. If you observe the manners and rules while watching the game, you will be able to watch the game more comfortably and enjoyably. As a Japanese person, I also think it would be great to enjoy watching a game with people of various nationalities. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact "Japan Sport Ticket" at any time.

I hope this article helps you create memories of your trip.

Check the schedule of sports you can watch in Japan

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After COVID, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has increased very much. Also it became more common to see them at sports stadiums. What we heard from them is the difficulty of purchasing tickets. Match information, ticket information, how to buy, procedures for getting tickets (language, payment, Japanese address and phone number required)...etc People often gave up halfway through because of the difficulty of the process. "Japan Sports Ticket" supports the tourists to visit the Japanese local sports games, hope the tourist enjoy a unique and unforgettable Japan trip!!

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