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There is a deep spot where you can find something interesting, next to the Ochanomizu hustle-bustle.
It's one of the largest antiquarian bookshop street "Jinbocho (Jinbo town)".
There are so many things that I want to write about in Jonbocho. So this time, I'll tell you just about an area where is the border of Ochanomizu and Jinboch.
You can hardly know everything about Jinbocho. Look for some vintage records or a beautiful frame. Taking side trips is the best way to enjoy this area.
You can find many buildings which don't change its atmosphere since old days. .
There are many book shops filled with charm of the literature!
I recommend to wander with eating Taiyaki (Japanese pancake shaped like Fish and sweet beans inside) or take a break with a cup of coffe.
In case you find your favorite shop or your secret place, you have to prepare for haunting this place!
10 minutes walk from Ochanomizu station
the area you’ll see when you pass through the downtown
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フォトグラファー。 趣味は家具製作と散歩とお茶。 フランス人と結婚したい。