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Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine In Kamakura - Help Your Money Luck!

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Out of the many shrines and temples of Kamakura, find out why many people visit the Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine to increase their luck with money.

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Directions to Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine

Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine

After getting out of the west exit of the Kamakura Station on the JR Yokosuka line, it takes about 20 minutes on foot to reach the shrine. For more details about the directions, please read the information at the bottom of this article.

After walking the uphill path of Genjiyama, you will find a large stone with Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine engraved on the surface. Upon entering the gate, you will go through a dark, rocky tunnel that will lead to another tunnel of torii gates before reaching the main grounds.

Recommended Spots and How to Worship at Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine

Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine

Main Shrine

For 100 yen, you will receive a candle, incense, and a bamboo basket at the shrine office.

Light your candle from the large candle set next to the main shrine. After setting it down, light your incense and place it in the incense stand, then waft some of the smoke towards you to purify yourself. Once you have completed those steps, make your way to the main shrine to pay your respects.

Inner Shrine

Once you gave your prayers at the main shrine, head toward the cave next door.

Here, you will find the fountain called the Zeniarai no Mizu (Money Washing Spring). Place some money in the bamboo basket and wash it. It is said that the impurities within you are washed away and your luck for money will increase. Coins can be dipped in water completely. Paper money can be slightly wet on the edges.

Upon washing your money, wipe it down with a dry handkerchief before returning it in your wallet. Don't forget to return the bamboo basket one you finish as well.

Shichifuku Shrine, Kaminomizu Shrine, Shimonomizu Shrine

Within the Zeniarai Benzaiten shrine, there are other shrines called the Kaminomizu Shrine, Shimonomizu Shrine, and Shichifuku Shrine. The Shimonomizu shrine and Kaminomizu shrine worship the water God called Mizuhame no Kami. The Shichifuku shrine is also said to bring luck in business as well. It is a good idea to visit all the shrines here during your visit in order to increase your luck all around!

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Mitoyo, Kagawa, Japan

I worked in a PR agency for corporate IR/CSR and a publisher which publishes a magazine focused on international cooperation before joining MATCHA in October 2017. 
In April 2019, I moved to Mitoyo City in Kagawa Prefecture. I write articles for tourists visiting Japan, and also contribute to regional revitalization.
My main focus is on writing about internet services, rental cars, hotels, and tourist attractions in western Japan.
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