Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

A nostalgic and fantastic Japanese cultural experience. Dagashiya, a place where you can have fun with children

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One of the Japanese cultures is a shop called "dagashiya" where children hold money in their hands to buy something. There are candy that pops in your mouth, ramen snacks with cash coupons, and other interesting sweets priced from 10 to 100 yen, as well as lotteries and toys. Junior high school stud...

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Inside the store

Kitahara Shoten is a shop in a detached house, in the living environment. Sit in front of the table surrounded by colorful and nostalgic sweets and toys, and spend your time in your own way.

I have a shop in my house. Please take off your shoes and enter the store. It's rare to see a candy shop where you take off your shoes, and people who come say, "It's like you're at a friend's house." Take off your shoes and let's all relax.


You can enjoy bite-sized low-priced candy, chocolate, gum, and snacks with your pocket money. Cocoa cigarettes are among the most popular sweets. Potato snacks are popular all over the world.

"Soccer Scratch" Scrape the scratch that is included with Ramune and aim for the coin.

"Zon B's original gum" A mysterious gum that turns your mouth blue. After chewing for a while, everyone sticks out their tongues and enjoys.


The building on the left is Kitahara Shoten. It looks like one house, but there are 6 houses attached to each other.
Located in the Nishijin district of Kyoto, this building is more than 100 years old, and is a tasteful building where a dyeing craftsman lived, so please come and visit us.

Dagashiya Kitahara Shoten

Business hours: Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 to 18:00 (irregular holidays)



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One of the Japanese cultures is a shop called "dagashiya" where children hold money in their hands to buy something. There are candy that pops in your mouth, ramen snacks with cash coupons, and other interesting sweets priced from 10 to 100 yen, as well as lotteries and toys. You can fully enjoy bite-sized low-priced candy, chocolate, gum, and snacks with your pocket money. Kitahara Shoten is a shop in a detached house, in the living environment. Take off your shoes, sit in front of the table surrounded by colorful and nostalgic sweets and toys, and spend your time in your own way. Located in the Nishijin district of Kyoto, it is a building with a deep atmosphere where dyeing craftsmen lived, so please come and visit us. Dagashiya Kitahara Shoten Business hours: Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 to 18:00 (irregular holidays)

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