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[Imperial Palace Running] Do you know the answer? Imperial Palace Running Quiz!

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The Imperial Palace, a sacred place for runners, has a lot of trivia that runners will love!

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If you're going to run the Imperial Palace, it's not fun to just run around the outside of the palace!

If you're going to run anyway, don't you want to know some little things you can brag about? ?

There is also a little story here in the clock tower square in front of Sakuradamon, where Imperial Palace runners gather!

This clock tower was donated by a certain sports manufacturer on October 10, 1975 (at the time, Sports Day).

Now, do you know which sports manufacturer it is?

When asked, about half of the runners will answer correctly.


There are only three clock towers in Japan! Now, where are the remaining two?

Few runners can answer that question!

If you want to know the answer, be sure to check out the "Imperial Palace Sightseeing Run & Walk Tour"! ! ! !

Imperial Palace Sightseeing Run & Walk Tour

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All of our guides at TOKYO ACTIVE TOURS are energetic people who love sports♪ Join us and enjoy the history of Tokyo and the rich nature around the Imperial Palace in a healthy way while running, cycling, or walking!

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