[Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture] 2 Recommended Restaurants Serving Japan's Three Great Japanese Beef "Omi Beef"

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Introducing recommended restaurants serving local Omi beef in Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, about 20 minutes by train from Kyoto! Enjoy Omi Beef, one of Japan's three major Wagyu beef and said to be Japan's oldest branded beef!

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[Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture] 2 recommended Omi beef restaurants! Please take a short trip from Kyoto or Osaka and enjoy authentic Omi beef.

All Day Dining Liberty (Hotel Boston Plaza Kusatsu)

This restaurant is located on the 1st floor of Hotel Boston Plaza Kusatsu, just outside the west exit of Kusatsu Station. Course dinners where you can enjoy Omi beef are popular! The main dish, Omi beef steak, weighs 150g.

●Special dinner course to enjoy Omi beef: 8,300 yen per person (tax included)

[Contents]・Appetizer・Soup・Omi beef steak 150g・Dessert・Bread・After-meal drink

●Inquiries: Telephone 077-561-3320

All Day Dining Liberty (Access)

Omi Suehiro main store

Omi Suehiro is a famous restaurant that is famous as the originator of shabu-shabu! Omi beef of A4 rank or higher

You can enjoy each course: ``Shabu Shabu'', ``Sukiyaki'', and ``Teppanyaki''.

●Shabu-shabu/season course

●Sukiyaki/season course

●Teppanyaki/Toki Course: 10,000 yen per person for each course (tax included)

●Inquiries Phone: 077-562-3651

Omi Suehiro main store

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This site introduces tourist information for Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture. It is packed with information on attractive spots, hotels, and gourmet food, such as the nature-filled aquatic plant park Mizunomori, Lake Biwa Museum, the historic Tachiki shrine and the Sandai shrine, Kusatsujuku Honjin, and Rokuha Park, which is fun for the whole family.

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