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Visit in June! Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain: Tokyo's Flower Paradise

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The Hydrangea Festival at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain in Tokyo is held from June 8 to July 7, 2024. Visit this beautiful area to enjoy vibrant hydrangeas and whimsical art!

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Tokyo's Beautiful Hydrangea Paradise! Explore 13,000 blooms at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain!

Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain is a botanical wonderland in Tokyo's Akiruno City, showcasing nature's colorful palette, painting a picture of beauty and serenity.

The Hydrangea Festival on Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain is held from June 8 to July 7 in 2024. Visit in June to marvel at over 10,000 hydrangeas from one hundred different species blanketing the mountainside!

A prime spot for viewing hydrangeas, this mountain's habitat was carefully nurtured by the dedicated Minamisawa Tadakazu for over half a century. The flowers attract many visitors each year with their vibrant hues and enchanting allure.

Tokyo's Beautiful Hydrangea Paradise! Explore 13,000 blooms at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain!

The Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain is located in the Fukazawa district of Akiruno.

Visitors can enjoy an array of activities such as traversing the trails that wind their way to breathtaking summits amidst blooming hydrangeas, venturing along ridgelines with panoramic views, and stopping by local art and nature spots like the Tomonaga Akimitsu Art Museum (Fukazawa Tiny Museum).

Tokyo's Beautiful Hydrangea Paradise! Explore 13,000 blooms at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain!

A haven for mountain climbers, hikers, and trail runners alike, Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain promises a thrilling escapade to Tokyo's vibrant countryside.

During the colorful season of hydrangeas, visitors can indulge in the annual music festival, a lively celebration of art and culture set against the backdrop of blooming hydrangeas, and enjoy the steaming hot spring Seonoyu, which lies just beyond the peak of the mountain.

Tokyo's Beautiful Hydrangea Paradise! Explore 13,000 blooms at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain!

Spring in the Fukazawa area brims with floral delights beyond hydrangeas, from cherry blossoms to Mitsumata, flowering peach blossoms, and camellias, promising a kaleidoscope of colors to dazzle every guest.

The Fukazawa district unfolds a tale of history and nature entwined, where guests can bask in the beauty of seasonal blooms, and uncover the historic Fukazawa family mansion, and the revered Mountain-Hugging Oak, a 300-year-old natural monument.

Tokyo's Beautiful Hydrangea Paradise! Explore 13,000 blooms at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain!

A respected and well-preserved area, the region's young torchbearers continue to make the area a brilliant place to visit on behalf of the late Minamisawa Tadakazu.

The mountain is set to build an array of new features along its hiking trail in the near future. Visitors will be able to relax under the dappled shade of a gazebo, stroll along a deck terrace and observation deck, all of which will be built with wooden foundations boasting 30-year rot resistance, a testament to the mountain's dedication to eco-friendly practices without concrete.

Enjoy the beauty of hydrangeas and nature's refreshing woodlands at Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain, one of Tokyo's top hydrangea sightseeing spots!

Hydrangea Festival on Minamisawa Hydrangea Mountain

Period: June 8 - July 7, 2024
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Entrance fee: 600 yen
Location: 368 Fukazawa, Akiruno City, Tokyo Map
Access: From Musashi-Itsukaichi Station on the JR Chuo Line, you can hike for about 40 minutes, or take a taxi or a limited-time shuttle bus (every 30 minutes).

*Due to restrictions on private cars, there is no parking lot at the venue. If you are coming by car, please use the parking lot in front of Musashi-Itsukaichi Station.

Official website: (Japanese)

Information and photo source: PR TIMES

Written by Kate_T

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