Located in front of the station, it's easily accessible! A beautiful park that attracts people of all ages [Sugiyama Park]

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Let us introduce you to Sugiyama Park, a one-minute walk from Shin-Nakano Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line. Perfect for your child's first slide. You can also enjoy seasonal plants.

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Right in front of Tokyo Metro Shin-Nakano Station

(The closest entrance to the intersection)<br>
(The closest entrance to the intersection)

This park is located just across the Sugiyama Park intersection from Shin-Nakano Station in Tokyo. There are many benches as well as playground equipment in the park. It is a place of relaxation for many people, from children to the elderly.

Pigeons are often seen resting on the ground (perhaps it's a place of rest for them as well), and the children look happy, exclaiming "It's a pigeon!"

There are also playground equipment, benches, a caretaker's office and a bicycle parking area.

At the entrance along Nakano-dori, there is a stone sign that says "Sugiyama Park." This entrance is closest to the bicycle parking area and the manager's office.

In addition to regular use, bicycle parking spaces can be used for one day (advance registration required). The elevator-style bicycle parking space seems to appeal to children, and my son (2 years old) gets very excited every time we pass by, saying, "A bicycle elevator! I want to ride it!"

A play area bustling with children

The play area has a complex playground with a slide, two swings, and a sandbox.

(Complex play equipment)<br>
(Complex play equipment)

My kids had their slide debut at Sugiyama Park. There aren't many steps and the slide isn't too steep, so it's just the right size for even toddlers to climb up and slide down.

There are two swings. On holidays and at certain times of the day, there may be a line, but on this day it was empty and my brother and sister were able to ride side by side.


Did a friend leave something behind? If there is a sandbox set with a shovel or other items, the children sometimes take turns using it.

The park has ample facilities

There are toilets with diaper changing tables, so changing diapers is not a problem. The adult toilets are also clean.

There are also drinking fountains and hand washing stations.

The park also has flower beds and trees that are well maintained, so you can enjoy seasonal plants and trees. In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom beautifully.


My daughter loves flowers and seemed so happy to find them.

I wonder what will bloom?

A park closely connected to the local community where events are held

(Bon Odori dance. A stage is set up and the atmosphere is lively.)<br>
(Bon Odori dance. A stage is set up and the atmosphere is lively.)

In 2023, many seasonal events were held, including a festival and local Bon Odori in the summer and a mochi-pounding competition in the winter. During the Bon Odori, the children (and I!) were excited to see the stalls in the park!

This park is easy for anyone to use, whether it's a playground for children or a place to take a break from work. Please do come and visit.

Sugiyama Park

Address: 6-15 Honmachi, Nakano-ku, Tokyo

Access: 1 minute walk from Shin-Nakano Station on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line

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Nakano city is located in the western part of Tokyo's 23 wards. It is especially famous for Nakano Broadway, known as the "holy land" of subculture, but it also has many other tourist attractions such as historic shrines and temples and gourmet food. While the area around Nakano Station is undergoing a "once in a century" redevelopment, the town is undergoing change, and the town is bustling with old-fashioned, friendly shopping streets, making Nakano a very diverse city. This diversity is also what makes it a city with a population of about 17,000 people from about 120 countries.

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