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Okunitama Shrine - Meet The Guardians Of The Musashi Province

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Did you know the deity that opened the land of Tokyo and Saitama is enshrined in Fuchu, Tokyo? This article introduces Okunitama Shrine, a place with a history of over 1900 years, where one can visit the many guardian deities of Tokyo and Saitama.

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This is the haiden (front shrine), the prayer hall. Though the main shrine is located deep within the haiden, visitors are only allowed entry to the front of the haiden. The main shrine has three gates; Okunitama-no-Okami is enshrined in the central shrine while the Rokushu deities are enshrined in the east and west shrines. Let’s visit these shrines!

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Like mentioned above, there are several other shrines located in Okunitama Shrine. Various deities enshrined include the god of childbirth or the god of sake, so please try and visit them if there’s a deity that you are interested in. We will introduce a portion of these shrines.

Miyanome Shrine


After passing under the first torii gates, you will immediately be able to see the Miyanome Shrine to your left. It was the shrine where Minamoto no Yoritomo, the military commander who erected Japan’s first samurai government, prayed for the safe childbirth for his wife Masako Hojo. Even now, many pregnant women visit the shrine.


There are not only ema, votive tablets, but also many hishaku (*1) with small holes set up at the shrine. It is a tool full of prayers to “have as easy a delivery as the water that leaks from the bottom.” Even after your prayer has been safely fulfilled, you should continue to pay your respects with the hishaku.

*1 Hishaku: A large spoon-like tool for scooping water.

Sui Shrine


To the left of the haiden is Sui Shrine. It is a shrine where you can enjoy the clear water stream from water drawn from a deep well.

Matsuo Shrine


To the right of Sui Shrine is Matsuo Shrine where the sake brewing god is enshrined. Nearby, you will be able to find many Japanese sake offerings from sake brewing companies. It is a shrine perfect for those who love sake.

Tatsumi Shrine


Tatsumi Shrine is located to the right of Matsuo Shrine. It is known as the dwelling of the god of performing arts.

Sumiyoshi Shrine and Otori Shrine


The shrines of the gods of Sumiyoshi, Osaka as well as Sakai, Osaka’s Otori Shrine are enshrined here. Sumiyoshi Shrine is the protector of seafarers while Otori Shrine is a merchant god. The shrines are immensely crowded every year in November during the Tori no Ichi Fair.

Metropolitan Shrines You Can Enjoy


A 1000-year-old gingko tree

Okunitama Shrine is a destination where visitors benefit from having several shrines in one place. Was there a shrine that you were interested in? There are also other attractions in the shrine such as the 1000-year-old gingko tree, rumored to improve the condition of postpartum women after praying to the tree, and the sumo ring located at the front of the shrine.

Events such as the Kurayami Matsuri (Festival of Darkness; April 30th – May 6th) and the Sumomo Matsuri (Peach Festival, July 20th) are also held at the shrine. If you’re visiting Tokyo, why not visit the Okunitama Shrine and experience several thrills in one visit?

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