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Kyoto Knot Vacation House - Stay At A 100 Year Old Machiya House!

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Located five minutes by foot from the Karasuma Gojo subway station, Kyoto Knot Vacation House is a place where you can experience life in Kyoto while staying in a traditional Japanese house that is over 100 years old.

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2. A Kitchen Loved By the Owners

kyoto knot

The kitchen was designed and handmade by the owners. From the sink area to the blue tiles on the walls, you can see how much care and time was put into this area.

Here, you are welcome to use the IH stove, microwave, frying pan, pots, electric kettle, and utensils if you wish to cook.

kyoto knot kitchen

The one appliance we would like to feature here is the popular BALMUDA Toaster (Japanese) that is said to make jaw-droppingly good toast.

With the latest steam technology and temperature control, this toaster is calibrated to bring out the flavors of bread to their fullest. Why not try it out and taste delicious toast for yourself?

3. Gentle Sunlight Shining Into the Bathroom

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You can use the cozy sink area where the gentle sunlight lights up the room. You are welcome to use amenities such as towels, toothbrushes, body sponges, dryers and other necessities you may need during your stay.

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The shower room is also very easy to use and has been renovated as well. Feel free to use the shampoo, conditioner and body soap prepared for you.

4. Spend a Relaxing Time in the Japanese-Style Room

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Photo courtesy of Kyoto Knot Vacation House
This is the Japanese-style room on the second floor. The pillar seen in the center of the right-hand side of the room is called the kazari bashira and is purposely placed there to show the raw wood of the structure as decoration. The curved, semi-circle structure is a trait of this pillar.

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Up to five people can stay in this guest house. The prices vary according to the date so please check the official website in advance for information.

5. Have Fun in the Western-Style Room

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On the walls of the western-style room are many fancy embroidered works that lighten the mood of the room. This is a great place to spend some quiet time on the rocking chair listening to some soothing music.

While it is nice to venture around Kyoto, it may also be nice to take a break from being touristy and simply relax in this room.

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This is also an antique lamp that was especially selected for the guest house. Why not take this opportunity to sit down and write a letter to someone waiting for you to return from your journey?

Optional Activities to Experience at Kyoto Knot

kyoto knot massage

Photo courtesy of Kyoto Knot Vacation House
In this guest house, you can not only stay, but you are welcome to take part in some optional services. For instance, the owner, Mrs. Tomoe is a relaxation therapist who will offer body care massage sessions (30 minute course starting from 2000 yen, tax included). The Thai style massages are so soothing that they even put some people to sleep.

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You are also welcome to try a calligraphy course (two hour course starting from 3500 yen with tax, per person.) While writing with black ink is the traditional way of doing Japanese calligraphy, but the instructor Ms. Ai uses watercolor to write characters instead.


Photo courtesy of Kyoto Knot Vacation House

mizuhiki accessorys

Photo courtesy of Kyoto Knot Vacation House

In addition to that, you can join a mizuhiki (*2) accessory making class. If any of these courses interest you, please inquire.

*2 Mizuhiki: a traditional Japanese paper decoration that is used to tie gifts.

Kyoto Knot Vacation House Run By a Couple That Likes to Travel

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This is the couple that owns the Kyoto Knot Vacation House. On the left is Mr. Kazu and on the right is Mrs. Tomoe. Apparently, they also met in a guest house. The two both love to travel and would like to provide a way for people to enjoy Kyoto more during their stay.

It may be nice to ask for advice when staying at the guest house. Perhaps you may get answers only locals will know.

Why not "live" in a guest house and enjoy the hospitality of a machiya in Kyoto?

Video courtesy of Kyoto Knot Vacation House
Here is an introductory video of the Kyoto Knot Vacation House. Please check it out.

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Kyoto / Kameoka 「遠くて近い」を探りながら、肌で感じる面白さを綴っていきたいです。

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