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Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo: 4 Enchanting Installations in 2024

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Escape everyday life and experience the excitement and magic of an umbrella sky! We introduce four colorful umbrella sky events taking place near Tokyo in locations like Moominvalley Park, the Izu Peninsula, Kanra Park in Gunma, and Inawashiro Herb Garden in Fukushima.

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Umbrella Sky Events: For a Colorful Rainy Season

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Umbrella Sky in Kanra Park. Photo by Pixta

The world's first Umbrella Sky Project was held in Águeda, Portugal in 2012, where colorful umbrellas were suspended over the city streets, transforming the everyday world into a colorful, magical place.

This whimsical installation captured the imaginations of people all over the world and was particularly popular among Japanese visitors to Portugal.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Umbrella Sky at Inawashiro Herb Garden. Photo by Pixta

Now, several venues in Japan host their own unique umbrella sky events, bringing a touch of color to the rainy season, which typically occurs from June to early May.

Moreover, Japanese umbrella sky displays have evolved into large-scale kaleidoscopic installations that take your breath away such as the event held at Inawashiro Herb Garden in Fukushima.

We’d like to spotlight four umbrella sky events held around Tokyo in 2024.

Umbrella Sky events near Tokyo 2024

1. Moomin Valley and Umbrellas in Hanno, Saitama
2. New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden in Ito, Shizuoka
3. Kanra DE Umbrella Sky in Kanra Park, Gunma
4. Inawashiro Herb Garden, Fukushima

1. Moomin Valley and Umbrellas in Hanno, Saitama

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2023

Picture courtesy of PR Times

Taking place in Moomin Valley Park in Hanno, this 200-meter umbrella corridor is currently Japan's largest umbrella sky installation, utilizing around 1,000 umbrellas.

In 2024, the Moomin Valley and Umbrella event is held from April 19 until July 7.

The concept behind this year’s event was inspired by the Moomin Mama, the kind character who delivers umbrellas so everyone won't get wet when it rains.

The umbrellas on display come in warm colors reminiscent of Moomin Mama's kindness and the roses she cares for.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2023

Picture courtesy of PR Times

The cafes and dining facilities in Moomin Valley will be offering special menus inspired by this year's event theme.

For example, the Mama's Homemade Pancakes with Umbrella Design (1,800 yen), a dessert available at Lettula, features white cream and raspberry sauce inspired by Mama's apron. Colorful marshmallows scattered around the sauce mimic the colors of an umbrella, creating pancakes that give the impression of Mama coming to greet you with an umbrella.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2023

Picture courtesy of PR Times

Even the interior of the facilities and exhibition rooms is decorated with colorful umbrella motifs!

For eco-conscious visitors who would like to see the installation, there's no need to fret! Once the event is over, all the umbrellas used will be upcycled and given a new lease of life!

Moomin Valley and Umbrellas

Venue: Moomin Valley Park
Address: Saitama, Hanno, Miyazawa 327-6 Map
Schedule: April 19 - July 7, 2024
Hours: 10:00 - 17:00 (weekdays), 10:00 - 18:00 (weekends and holidays)
Website: https://metsa-hanno.com/lp/umbrella2024/ (Japanese)

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2. Umbrella Sky at the New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden in Ito, Shizuoka

Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo: 4 Enchanting Installations in 2024

Picture courtesy of PR Times

The New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden, situated in Ito City, showcases pieces inspired by American Art Nouveau, such as stained glass windows and vibrant Tiffany lamps. The museum's Flower Garden, acclaimed for its diverse range of flora, blossoms against the backdrop of the ocean.

During early June, the garden dazzles visitors with over 200 types of hydrangeas, offering a picturesque seasonal retreat during the rainy season.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Picture courtesy of PR Times

The Multicolor Umbrella Sky held from April 27 to June 30 displays colorful umbrellas to brighten up the rainy season. The Umbrella Sky display is held along the Hydrangea Road. The display has become so popular that it is held year-round, with seasonal changes!

If you visit in September - October, you can enjoy the Halloween Umbrella Sky, which uses colors reminiscent of Halloween. There is a Christmas Umbrella Sky in November-December, and a Valentine Day Umbrella Sky held from January to February 14.

From February 15 until early April, you can enjoy the Sakura Umbrella Sky, featuring cherry blossom colors. For details on each Umbrella Sky event, please visit the official website.

The New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden is located near the Izu Shaboten Zoo, which has been gathering attention for its adorable capybaras, so how about visiting them on the same day?

Umbrella Sky at the New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden

Venue: New York Lamp Museum & Flower Garden
Address: Shizuoka, Ito, Futo 841-1 Map
Schedule: April 27 - June 30, 2024
Hours: 9:30 - 17:00
Website: https://nylfmuseum.com/garden/ (Japanese)

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3. Kanra DE Umbrella Sky in Kanra Park, Gunma

Light Up This Rainy Season! 3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo

Photo by Pixta

The Kanra DE Umbrella Sky, held at Kanra Park in the Kanra district of Gunma, has been gathering attention in recent years. This year, 420 colorful umbrellas are displayed over 85 meters in the park creating a dreamlike atmosphere!

The event coincides with the season of fresh greenery. The colorful umbrella rainbow enhances the beauty of the park in the early summer.

Kanra Park is located close to the popular Gunma Safari Park and the Tomioka Silk Mill, so how about exploring these facilities on a day trip from Tokyo?

Kanra DE Umbrella Sky

Venue: Kanra Park
Address: Gunma, Kanra district, Kanra-cho, Obata 747-1 Map
Schedule: April 20 - May 31, 2024
Website: https://www.town.kanra.lg.jp/sansin/kankou/kanko/kanra_umbrellasky.html (Japanese)

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4. Umbrella Sky at Inawashiro Herb Garden, Fukushima

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Photo by Pixta

Inawashiro Herb Garden is located near Lake Inawashiro in the precincts of Hotel Listel Inawashiro. This garden has been gathering attention for its captivating art installations that complement the beauty of its seasonal flowers.

Spanning almost 100,000 square meters, the outdoor garden is home to a diverse variety of herbs, flowers, and plants that blossom at varying times throughout the year. Discover over 500 varieties of botanical wonders like lavender, chamomile, canola flowers, poppies, sunflowers, cosmos, and kochia.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Photo by Pixta

In the indoor greenhouse, visitors can immerse themselves in lush greenery, flowers, and original art installations, providing guests with a delightful feast for the senses.

The umbrella sky is one of these art installations; it grew in size and complexity over the years. Currently, it can be enjoyed until November.

3 Enchanting Umbrella Sky Events Near Tokyo in 2024

Photo by Pixta

There are various other art pieces in the precincts, so do take the time to enjoy them along with the seasonal blooms. Lake Inawashiro is a popular destination for outdoor recreation in the region, so do explore the area.

Umbrella Sky at Inawashiro Herb Garden

Venue: Inawashiro Herb Garden
Address: Fukushima, Yama district, Inawashiro, Kawageta, Tennosaka 2414-16 within Hotel Listel Inawashiro Map
Access: 10 minutes by taxi from Inawashiro Station (JR Tohoku Main Line)
Schedule: April 5 - November 4, 2024
Hours: weekdays 9:30 - 16:00, Saturday 9:30 - 17:00, Sunday and public holidays 9:00 - 16:00
Admission: adults 500 yen, elementary school children 350 yen, infants - free.
Website: https://www.listel-inawashiro.jp/green_season/herb.php (Japanese), https://www.listel-inawashiro.jp/english/

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Relish the Rain From Under an Umbrella Sky

Why not brighten up this rainy season and escape everyday life for a little while by visiting one of these breathtaking installations? These days we don't need to travel all the way to Águeda to see one of these fun events, and for those in Tokyo, there are several right on your doorstep!

Main image by Pixta

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