What's the best way to get to Kuju Flower Park from each area of ​​Kyushu? A thorough comparison of routes and travel times

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The main way to get to Kuju Flower Park from each area of ​​Kyushu is by car. We will introduce the travel time, cost, and points to note for each method. Find the transportation method that suits your travel style!

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Where is Kuju Flower Park? Introducing its attractions

Kuju Flower Park, a flower field in the sky that spreads across Aso Kuju National Park in Taketa City, Oita Prefecture

Located at an altitude of 850m, the park is one of the largest in western Japan, covering an area of ​​225,000㎡, where 5 million flowers of 500 different kinds bloom throughout the year.

Because it is a flower park inside a national park, the surrounding scenery is also well-maintained, and you can enjoy not only the flowers in the park, but also the beautiful surrounding mountains, including the Five Peaks of Aso and the Kuju Mountains. The picturesque scenery makes it a great photo spot.

In addition, in the restaurants, you can enjoy a wide variety of meals such as light meals like coffee and soft serve ice cream, as well as pasta, pizza, yakisoba, Genghis Khan, and grilled meat. You can also buy souvenirs in the park. There are many shops selling handmade goods, flower goods, and sweets and other goods.

Learn more about Kuju Flower Park

How to get to Kuju Flower Park from major areas in Oita Prefecture

To get to Kuju Flower Park from major areas in Oita Prefecture, you will basically need to travel by car. Here we will explain how to get to Kuju Flower Park from major areas in Oita Prefecture (Oita City, Beppu area, Yufuin area). It takes about an hour to get there one way from any of these areas, so if you are staying in Oita Prefecture for multiple days, you can use each area as your base and spend one day enjoying the area near Kuju Flower Park.

Access from Oita city

[Time required] Approximately 60 minutes. Toll road usage: No

White Road - Nozuhara - Nagayu route

Access from Beppu area

[Time required] Approximately 75 minutes. Toll road usage: No

Prefectural Route 51 - Nagayu

Access from the Yufuin area

[Time required] Approximately 70 minutes. Toll road usage: No

Prefectural Route 50 - Yamanami Highway

How to get to Kuju Flower Park from each area of ​​Kyushu

To get to Kuju Flower Park from major areas in Kyushu, you will basically need to travel by car. Here we will explain how to get there from the Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and Kitakyushu areas. There is also a glamping facility within Kuju Flower Park, so you can stay overnight.

Learn more about Kuju Flower Park Glamping

Access from the Kumamoto area

This article provides information on how to access the area from Kumamoto Station, the center of the Kumamoto area.

[Time required] Approximately 2 hours. Toll road usage: No

Kumamoto Interchange - Milk Road - Senomoto

Access from Kumamoto Station to Kuju Flower Park<br>
Access from Kumamoto Station to Kuju Flower Park

Access from the Fukuoka area

This page provides information on how to access the venue from Hakata Station, the center of the Fukuoka area.

[Time required] Approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes Toll road usage: Yes

Fukuoka Urban Expressway Loop Line / Fukuoka Expressway Loop Line (Dazaifu IC / Noge / Nishi Kyushu Expressway direction) ~ Kokonoe Interchange ~ Shikisai Road ~ Yamanami Highway ~ Senomoto via

Access from Hakata Station to Kuju Flower Park<br>
Access from Hakata Station to Kuju Flower Park

Access from the Kitakyushu area

This page provides information on how to access the facility from Kokura Station, the center of the Kitakyushu area.

[Time required] Approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes Toll road usage: Yes

Higashi Kyushu Expressway - Yufuin Interchange - Yamanami Highway - Senomoto route

How to get to Kuju Flower Park from nearby airports

The closest airport to Kuju Flower Park is Aso Kumamoto Airport.

[Time required] Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. Toll road usage: No

There are several ways to get from Aso Kumamoto Airport to Kuju Flower Park, but the travel time is roughly the same for all of them.

All of the travel routes allow you to drive while taking in the magnificent natural scenery of Aso Kuju National Park, but please check the stopovers on each route and choose a route accordingly.

*Travel times from other airports

Oita Airport : approx. 2 hours 30 minutes

Fukuoka Airport : Approx. 2 hours 30 minutes

New Kitakyushu Airport Approx. 3 hours 30 minutes

Miyazaki Airport: approx. 4 hours

Find the transportation that suits your travel style!

As mentioned above, the only way to get to Kuju Flower Park from each area of ​​Kyushu is by car.

If you visit Kyushu, be sure to stop by Kuju Flower Park.

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Kuju Flower Park is located in Aso Kuju National Park, where you can enjoy 500 varieties and 5 million flowers throughout the year. At an altitude of 850m and covering an area of ​​225,000㎡, the vast park offers not only seasonal flowers but also the majestic mountain scenery. You can also enjoy the beautiful starry sky at night, so you can enjoy the flowers and stars from day to night. There are various hot spring resorts nearby, so after enjoying the flowers, you can visit the wonderful hot springs and heal your mind and body. In addition, the ruins of Oka Castle, a nationally designated historic site said to be an impregnable castle, and the castle town are nearby, making it an area where you can experience history and culture. After experiencing the seasonal flowers and majestic nature at Kuju Flower Park, you can visit hot springs in the surrounding area, experience history, culture, and rich food.

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