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[From Eeyan ! Osaka Shopping Street] Time travel in Sakai city, both real and virtual, at "Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko"

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If you get off at Shukuin Station on the Hankai Electric Railway and head east, you will come across the nostalgic atmosphere of Sakai Yamanokuchi Shopping Street. On the west side of the station from the shopping street, you will find Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko, where you can experience the history of Sakai.

Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko, exhibits the history of Sakai with the Tea Ceremony Museum dedicated to Sen no Rikyu and the Memorial Museum dedicated to Yosano Akiko, both great historical figures associated with Sakai City.

The Sen no Rikyu Tea Ceremony Museum on the first floor displays replicas of the alcoves from before and after Rikyu perfected "wabi-cha" tea, as well as excavated tea utensils.

"Time Trip Sakai" can be experienced by putting on the latest VR goggles, and the streets of Sakai in the Middle Ages, with people going about their business and living their lives, are projected as if in reality right before your eyes in a virtual space.

At the Yosano Akiko Memorial Museum on the second floor, visitors can use touch panels to view records of Akiko Yosano's travels around Japan with her husband, and her books are on display decorated in vibrant colors and innovative designs.

Furthermore, at the "Chanoyu Experience Room" on the first floor, you can take part in the standing tea ceremony and tea ceremony experience by reservation, which are very popular with foreign visitors tourists.

Seasonal events are held at Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko, which has strong ties to the local community. Start from this facility, walk through the Shopping Street, and visit the ancient tombs, temples, shrines, and Buddhist temples of Sakai city.

Sakai Yamanokuchi Shopping Street

Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko

*Sakai Plaza of Rikyu and Akiko*

[Access] About 1 minute walk from Shukuin Station on the Hankai Line

[Opening hours]

Sen no Rikyu Tea Ceremony Museum, Yosano Akiko Memorial Museum, Tourist Information Exhibition: 9:00-18:00

*Entry to Sen no Rikyu Tea Ceremony Museum and Yosano Akiko Memorial Museum is until 17:30

Tea Ceremony Experience Room: 10:00-17:00

Parking: 24 hours

[Closed days]

Sen no Rikyu Tea Ceremony Museum, Yosano Akiko Memorial Museum, Tea Ceremony Experience Room: Third Tuesday of every month (or the following day if Tuesday is a public holiday) and year-end and New Year holidays

Tourist Information Exhibition Room: year-end and New Year holidays

Parking: Open all year round

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Osaka's shopping streets support the lives and employment of the prefecture's residents, play an important role as regional infrastructure, and are attractive as places for local people to interact. With an eye on the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, we have opened the portal site "Eeyan! Osaka Shopping Streets" as an initiative to promote the appeal of Osaka's shopping streets and stores and digitize them. "Wow, there's a shopping street like this! I'll go check it out next time!" Please use "Eeyan! Osaka Shopping Streets" to discover new aspects of shopping streets you didn't know about or your local shopping street, and to have wonderful encounters with shopping streets.

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