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Stroll The Streets Of Hida Takayama With Delicacies In Both Hands!

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The best spot to eat or shop at Hida Takayama, a merchants' city in the Hida Area, are the old streets, with gourmet shops lining along the road. This time we will tell you about the best on-the-go delicacies and souvenirs you can buy there!

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What Is Hida Takayama?


Hida Takayama is the nickname of Takayama, a city in Gifu prefecture. It is located in the center of the Hida area, and has developed through centuries as a jokamachi and a merchants’ city.

One place we recommend to visit is the city’s so-called “old streets”, where you can get your hands on numerous dishes, souvenirs and other items for which the Hida area is famous. It is a truly remarkable sight to behold, with latticed bay windows (degoshi in Japanese), and small kohizashi roofs, as well as the irrigation channels spreading alongside the road.

But wait until you hear what we have prepared for you to learn today! This time, we will tell you which souvenirs make the greatest gifts and what food is the most delicious and fun to have while walking down the old streets of Hida Takayama!

The Best On-The-Go Menu

1. Hida Beef Kushiyaki


One of Japan’s very best wagyu brandsHida beef, is used to make this delicious, marbled-meat kushiyaki (grilled skewer; one for 500 yen after tax). It surely lives up to the famous Hida Beef croquette shop, Jugemu’s (Japanese) standards, with a juicy and soft texture, thus making it a firm No.1 delicacy on the shop’s menu.

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The purchasing process goes like this – take a ticket from the ticket vending machine standing on the right side of the counter, then hand it over to the employee. You can choose your yummy-looking favorite from the screen – we dare you to pick only one! It will be a difficult choice to make, when you see the roast-meat kushi (farthest left button, 800 yen after tax), the marbled-fat kushi (button being pressed in photo, 500 yen after tax), and the lean-meat kushi (button to right of hand in picture, 300 yen after tax) and other treats!

There are pictures and English put up above the buttons should you want something from the side menu, but if it turns out to be too complicated or difficult to understand, don’t hesitate to ask for help from one of the employees.


Since Hida Beef is high-class meat, you might think of it as too expensive for an everyday meal, but the price for the on-the-go dishes are usually up to 1000 yen only! Isn’t it great that anybody can enjoy the best-quality meals for a reasonable price?

Next Page Find out about the most celebrated dishes made from Hida Beef on the next page!

Written by


Miho Moriya


MATCHA editor and freelance writer. Born, raised, and currently living in Tokyo. Have visited over 30 countries and lived in four different prefectures. I have traveled to almost all 47 prefectures in Japan! I try to create articles that help convey the charms of a destination through words and pictures. I love forests, temples, and camels.
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