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The best guide to get to "Tokyo Dome" (Yomiuri Giants' home stadium)

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Tokyo Dome is the home stadium of the Tokyo Yomiuri Giants, a professional baseball team in Japan. With visualized access guide to Tokyo dome , let's enjoy the Giants' game!!

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History of Tokyo Dome

Japan's first dome-style baseball stadium opened on March 18, 1988.

It has already gone through the 35th anniversary since the start of their operation.

Since its opening, it has been the home stadium of the Yomiuri Giants, a professional baseball team in Japan, and has also hosted martial arts and professional wrestling performances, concerts, and product exhibitions in addition to baseball games.

Access to Tokyo Dome

If you get your ticket ready for the game at Tokyo Dome, enjoy the game there!

The writer actually went there and based on that, here is the easy-to-understand access guide to Tokyo dome.

You can use this guide to get there without getting lost, to enjoy the Japanese professional baseball, and to make your Japan trip unique and unforgettable!

How to get to "Tokyo Dome"

Need more about the Tokyo Dome (Yomiuri Giants) game?

For those who want to see the game at the Tokyo Dome, the latest information about the match and purchase tickets can be found here:

"Tokyo Dome" baseball game, ticket information

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After COVID, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has increased very much. Also it became more common to see them at sports stadiums. What we heard from them is the difficulty of purchasing tickets. Match information, ticket information, how to buy, procedures for getting tickets (language, payment, Japanese address and phone number required)...etc People often gave up halfway through because of the difficulty of the process. "Japan Sports Ticket" supports the tourists to visit the Japanese local sports games, hope the tourist enjoy a unique and unforgettable Japan trip!!

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