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About 45 minutes by train from Osaka Station! Enjoy the grapes and figs of Habikino City!

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Habikino City is located in the southeastern part of Osaka Prefecture. It is a city blessed with rich nature in the Kawachi Plain and historical sites such as the Emperor Ojin's Tomb, one of the largest ancient tombs in Japan, which is registered as a World Heritage Site. In fact, Osaka is famous f...

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3 specialties of Habikino City!


Delaware, which is in season from July to August , is one of the standard seedless grapes that you can see in supermarkets and fruit stores in the summer.

Its country of origin is the United States, where its name was first introduced in Delaware, Ohio in 1955.

Delaware grapes were first imported to Japan around 1872, and cultivation began in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1886, and are now grown all over the country. Following Yamagata Prefecture in first place and Yamanashi Prefecture in second place, Osaka Prefecture comes in third, making it a major production area, and more than half of the grapes in Osaka Prefecture are harvested here in Habikino City. Habikino City has plenty of sunshine, a stable climate , and well-drained soil , making it an ideal environment for cultivation, which is one of the reasons for the abundant grape harvest.

Habikino City's Delaware cultivation area is 120ha, the largest in the prefecture.<br>
Habikino City's Delaware cultivation area is 120ha, the largest in the prefecture.

Each bunch weighs about 100-150g and is characterized by small reddish purple berries . They are seedless, making them easy to eat and popular with all ages. They have a high sugar content of 20-23 degrees , and have a strong sweetness and moderate acidity in harmony, giving them a refreshing taste, which makes them also used as an ingredient in white wine.

This article also introduces Kawachi Wine House, a winery in Habikino City that makes white wine using Delaware grapes, so be sure to check it out.

Shine Muscat

Cross-section of a Shine Muscat grape. Its thin skin and lack of seeds are its defining features.<br>
Cross-section of a Shine Muscat grape. Its thin skin and lack of seeds are its defining features.

Shine Muscat, in season from August to October , is a seedless grape variety that can be eaten whole , with its thin skin and no bitterness. Each berry is large, has a sweet taste with a sugar content of 18 to 21 degrees , and is juicy, making it a popular fruit all over Japan.

Shine Muscat grapes are harvested in large quantities in Nagano and Yamanashi prefectures, but did you know that they are also grown here in Habikino City?

In the Komagaya area of Habikino City, various fruits are actively cultivated, taking advantage of the rich natural environment and land. In particular, the vineyards in Komagaya cover an area of 80 hectares, the size of 20 Koshien Stadiums, and in addition to the aforementioned Delaware and Shine Muscat, many other varieties of grapes are cultivated.

At the local grape shops, you can purchase fresh, sweet grapes until early September ! (*The end of sales period varies each year depending on the weather and other factors. For more information, please contact the farmer directly.)

You can eat them at room temperature, or chill them a little to enjoy the different textures. Why not try your favorite way to eat Shine Muscat grapes, which are painstakingly grown by farmers in Habikino City?

Shine Muscat grapes being grown in the Komagaya area<br>
Shine Muscat grapes being grown in the Komagaya area


Figs, which are in season from August to October , are rich in nutrients such as iron, which helps prevent anemia, potassium, which lowers blood pressure, and phytoestrogens, which are effective in lowering cholesterol levels and improving menopausal symptoms, and are also known as the " fruit of immortality ." The fig bears flowers on the inside of the fruit, which cannot be seen from the outside, and is written in kanji as "無花果" ("fig"). This shows that the part we normally eat is not the fruit, but the flower . Figs have a soft texture, a crunchy seed, and a sweet taste with little sourness.

Figs grown in the Konda and Usui areas<br>
Figs grown in the Konda and Usui areas

Osaka Prefecture once boasted the third-largest fig harvest in the country, and in Habikino City, figs are mainly grown in the Konda and Usui areas. Among them, Osaka figs (Masui Dauphin) are larger than regular figs and have a high sugar content and sweetness, so they have been selected as one of the " Naniwa specialty products ."

Figs, along with grapes, are a specialty of Habikino City, and at the Shiratori no Sato Roadside Station " Asukate Kurude ," which we will introduce later in this article, they not only sell figs, but also processed products such as fig sauce and fig donuts, so be sure to give them a try.


"Tsubutan," the mascot character of Habikino City, which is based on grapes, a local specialty, is also a favorite of mine at the Shiratori no Sato Roadside Station "Asuka de Kuru de."

Introducing recommended spots where you can enjoy Habikino City's specialty products

Kawachi Wine Museum

Habikino City was once ranked number one in Japan as a grape-producing region. Wine brewing has been thriving since the early Showa period, and even today the city is known as a wine-producing region, with three unique wineries in the city. This is one of them, Kawachi Wine.

Established in Habikino, Osaka, for 90 years. This winery allows you to enjoy food and culture through wine, and offers a wide variety of events and activities, including tours of the brewing facilities, dining at the restaurant Konjikido , which used to be a storehouse, work experiences and tours in the vineyards, and tours. ( Reservations required )

You can see the huge stainless steel tanks and wooden barrels where the pressed grapes are fermented, and you can also enjoy wine tasting.

Kintoku Winery Delaware (left) Kintoku Winery Muscat Berry A (right)<br>
Kintoku Winery Delaware (left) Kintoku Winery Muscat Berry A (right)

The characteristic of Kawachi Wine is that it is a "Japanese drink (wine)" that goes well with Japanese food , and was developed in Kawachi. They also brew a white wine called "Kintoku Wine Delaware" using Delaware grapes , a specialty of Habikino City, which we introduced earlier. This is a limited edition product that is produced once a year using carefully selected fruits every year, and it is a wine that goes well with Japanese food, with a fresh aroma and a wide-reaching acidity that makes you feel like you are stuffing your cheeks with freshly picked grapes.

You can also find non-alcoholic grape juice and a wide variety of wines at Kawachi Wine House, so why not try finding your favorite wine?

1st floor Wine shop. You can enjoy tasting about 20 kinds of wine at the counter.<br>
1st floor Wine shop. You can enjoy tasting about 20 kinds of wine at the counter.
Wine barrel<br>
Wine barrel
wine cellar<br>
wine cellar

Store details

Kawachi Wine Museum ( Instagram )

[Address] 1027 Komagaya, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, 583-0841

[Access] About 8 minutes walk from Komagaya Station on the Kintetsu Minami Osaka Line

[Parking] Available

[Business hours] (Weekdays) 10:00-18:00 (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) 9:00-18:00

[Regular holidays] Irregular holidays

[Telephone number] 072-956-0181

Winery Tour Application Form (6 people or less)

Winery Tour Application Form (for 7 or more people)

Kin Shokudo Private Reservation (7 to 40 people)

Asuka Wine

The second winery in Habikino City is "Asuka Wine"

This long-established winery started as a grape farm in 1934 and takes pride in its commitment to quality, including handling everything from grape cultivation to wine production in-house. They grow grapes organically without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and under the motto " delicious wine comes from the vineyards ," they are uncompromising in their soil preparation, using homemade compost, and have been recognized for their quality, winning the first gold medal in the Kansai region at the Japan Wine Competition.


"Asuka Sparkling Chardonnay" has won the gold medal for two consecutive years

Asuka Sparkling Chardonnay, which won the gold medal for two consecutive years in 2023 and 2024 at the Japan Wine Competition, is a sparkling wine made using 100% Chardonnay grapes harvested from the winery's own vineyards in 2021 and produced using the authentic Champagne method of secondary fermentation in the bottle. In addition, like Kawachi Wine, we also sell Asuka Delaware, which is characterized by its refreshing yet rich taste and uses Delaware grapes , a specialty of Habikino City. Please enjoy Osaka Wine, in which the makers have brought out the best in the charm of the grapes.

In addition, the official website of Asuka Wine offers a service called " My Label " where you can add your favorite photos or illustrations to your favorite wine to create an original label wine. It is very popular as a birthday gift, anniversary gift, wedding gift, etc. Why not make a wine that is one of a kind in the world?

Asuka Wine Shop<br>
Asuka Wine Shop
The direct sales store also has products that can only be purchased here<br>
The direct sales store also has products that can only be purchased here
A vast vineyard of 5ha<br>
A vast vineyard of 5ha

Store details

Asuka Wine ( Instagram ) ( facebook ) ( x )

[Address] 1104 Asuka, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, 583-0842

[Access] 5 minutes on foot from Kaminotaishi Station on the Kintetsu Minami Osaka Line

[Parking] Available (2 spaces)

[Business hours] 10:00-17:00

[Regular holidays] Saturday

[Telephone number] 072-956-2020

Adult Excursion Asuka Winery Tour Ticket Purchase

Create My Label

Roadside Station Shiratori no Sato Habikino

JA Osaka Minami Agricultural Products Direct Sales Store


JA Osaka Minami Agricultural Products Direct Sales Store "Asuka Kuru de"

Roadside Station Shiratori no Sato Habikino: a treasure trove of Habikino's charms

This super popular spot in Habikino City is visited by about 1 million people a year, and the parking lot is full not only on weekends but also on weekdays. The large grounds are equipped with a barbecue area and a children's area, so families can enjoy themselves all day long. Cherry blossoms in spring and hydrangeas in summer bloom in full bloom, and some people come to enjoy cherry blossom viewing.

If you're hungry, be sure to stop by the JA Osaka Minami Agricultural Products Direct Sales Store " Asukate Kurude ," where you can find a wide selection of freshly picked local vegetables and fruits, and the Commerce and Industry Product Center " Takerukan ," where you can taste and buy local specialties and specialties such as udon and bread . We also have processed fig products, a specialty of Habikino City, available.

In spring, cherry blossoms bloom in full bloom.<br>
In spring, cherry blossoms bloom in full bloom.
Summer is the best time to see hydrangeas<br>
Summer is the best time to see hydrangeas
JA Osaka Minami Agricultural Products Direct Sales Store


JA Osaka Minami Agricultural Products Direct Sales Store "Asukate Kurude"


"Tsuzumi Fig Sauce" by Tsuzumi Foods Co., Ltd. was selected as number one in the "Tasty Sauce" ranking published in Shukan Bunshun, and won the gold medal in the "Japanese National Local Sauce Encyclopedia" published in the gourmet magazine dancyu.
Osaka Fig. A fig tart created through a collaboration between students majoring in nutritional therapy at Osaka Prefecture University and Midori Confectionery Co., Ltd. A popular souvenir.<br>
Osaka Fig. A fig tart created through a collaboration between students majoring in nutritional therapy at Osaka Prefecture University and Midori Confectionery Co., Ltd. A popular souvenir.


"Fig Field" at An'an Japanese sweets workshop. Freshly picked figs are processed into sweet bean paste through multiple steps and then sandwiched between half-moon sponge cake.

Store details

Roadside Station Shiratori no Sato Habikino

[Address] 975-3 Hanyuno, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, 583-0866

[Access] After getting off at "Fujiidera Station" on the Kintetsu Minami Osaka Line, take the Kintetsu Bus from "Fujiidera Station" for about 30 minutes, get off at "Habikino-Kyu-Chome" or "Habikino-Juchome", and walk for about 8 minutes

[Parking] Available

[Business hours] 9:30-18:00

[Regular holidays] Thursdays, New Year holidays

[Telephone number] 072-957-6900 (General Building)

Habikino Visitor Center

The Habikino Visitor Center, located along the Japan Heritage site Takenouchi Kaido, is where you can purchase all the processed products (such as wine and fig sauce) made from Habikino's special grapes and figs that we have introduced so far.

The store stocks a wide variety of products, including famous products from the Minamikawachi region and ancient tomb goods related to the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, a registered World Heritage Site, making it a popular resting spot for locals as well as tourists looking to buy souvenirs. Start your trip to Habikino at the Habikino Visitor Center, which offers a wide range of tourist information, including the World Heritage Site "Furuichi Kofun Group , " the Japan Heritage Site "Takeuchi Kaido ," historical heritage sites such as temples and shrines, and local specialties.

The official website of the Osaka Habikino Tourism Bureau also features many tourist spots in Habikino City that we were unable to cover in this article. In addition, there is a lot more to see, including the official content of the Osaka Habikino Tourism Bureau (such as walking guides and tours around the city ) and model sightseeing courses for Habikino City that can be completed in 4 to 5 hours.

If you are visiting Habikino City, be sure to check it out!

We value creating a space where all our visitors can feel at home.<br>
We value creating a space where all our visitors can feel at home.
We have a wide variety of wines available as we source directly from Kawachi Wine and Asuka Wine.<br>
We have a wide variety of wines available as we source directly from Kawachi Wine and Asuka Wine.

Store details

Habikino Visitor Center ( Instagram ) ( X )

[Address] 1-1-21 Furuichi, Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture, 583-0852

[Access] Get off at "Furuichi Station" on the Kintetsu Minami Osaka Line, exit the ticket gate and immediately turn left

[Parking] None

[Business hours] 9:00-17:00

[Regular holidays] Thursdays (open if Thursday is a public holiday), New Year's holiday (December 29th to January 3rd)

[Telephone number] 072-959-2241

Osaka Habikino Tourism Bureau Official Content Reservation

Tourist course details (long course)

Details of sightseeing model courses (easy short courses)

Details of the model sightseeing course (Eternal Tumulus Road)

Written by

About 45 minutes by train from central Osaka. Habikino City is located in the southeastern part of Osaka Prefecture, and is a city blessed with rich nature and historical sites in the Kawachi Plain. There are many ancient tombs of various sizes scattered around, including the Emperor Ojin's Tomb, one of the largest in Japan, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, and it is a power spot that is an important part of people's lives. It is also famous as a fruit producing region, and wine made from grapes grown in this area is one of Osaka's representative specialties. In addition, Habikino is one of the most famous yakiniku meccas in the Kansai region, with a history of about 140 years in the meat industry. "I want to drink delicious wine while seeing a World Heritage Site..." "I want to eat delicious meat in a land rich in nature..." If that sounds like you, be sure to visit Habikino.

The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.

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