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Bumpodo - Inside The Living History Of Art And Stationery!

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When one thinks of Jinbocho, do bookstores come to mind? Curry? It’s also an area with wonderful stationery and general goods stores! We’ll introduce you to Bumpodo, a shop with 100 years of history and a wide variety of products.

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When one thinks of Jinbocho, Tokyo, what comes to mind? A street that specializes in bookstores? An area with delicious curry restaurants? It’s true that these are some aspects of the neighborhood.

However, Jinbocho is also an area with great stationery and general goods stores. We’ll introduce you to Bumpodo, a shop with 100 years of history and a wide variety of products.

The History of Bumpodo


Bumpodo was established in 1887 and will be in its 130th year come 2018. At the time of its establishment, it was the first specialty shop in Japan that mainly focused on the sales and development of oil paints.


The building’s current exterior was completed in 1922. When the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred the following year, many of the buildings within the Kanda area were destroyed by fire. However, Bumpodo was fortunately spared and retained its original state due to having been built with iron reinforcing, which had been an unusual method of construction at the time. The remaining outer wall later received the Cityscape Prize and the shop has been covered by several Japanese magazines and television stations.

Next Page On the next page, we’ll introduce each floor of Bumpodo!

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Born in Taiwan. Currently living in Tokyo. Currently editor in chief of MATCHA's Taiwanese website. In the past, I worked as an editor for a Japanese fashion magazine, as a Japanese language teacher at a private high school in Taipei, as an interpreter for Shiseido and other Japanese and Taiwanese companies. I've also had experience as an inbound tourism copywriter. My Facebook page 'Tokyo beyond studying abroad' 東京、不只是留學(留学だけじゃなくて)boasts 120,000 followers. Blogger with readers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan, of which 70% are female readers. I have covered over 300 locations and stores in my articles. Writing about the latest trends, places off the beaten path, and traditional culture. Published six books on Japan in Taiwan and Asia. Facebook → Instagram → @mihowang47
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