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Kamakura has amazing historical sites, as well as wonderful temples and shrines. Make the most of your time in Kamakura with this recommended one-day itinerary, which includes visits to the great Buddha statue and the "bamboo temple"!
Kamakura is a sightseeing spot just one hour from Tokyo where one can enjoy looking at old, elegant streets and houses and the surrounding natural scenery. This time we'll suggest a one-day plan for seeing all the great sights in Kamakura. Even if you can't make it to Kamakura, we recommend reading the article and having a vicarious tour of the city.
What To Do In Historical Kamakura: 6 Sightseeing Spots
Visit The Great Buddha: How To Reach Kamakura From Tokyo
Today's adventure begins at JR Kamakura station.. We'll first concentrate on some nearby sightseeing spots.
Just 10 minutes on foot from the station is a shrine called Tsurugaoka Hachimangū. Here you can get a taste of Kamakura at a time when it flourished as the center of Japan.
To get to the shrine you walk along a promenade called Dankazura. On the way there let's enjoy the natural beauty of the region.
Afterwards, on the way back from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, let's pass through Komachidōri. Komachidori is a shopping arcade known for its confectionery shops, eating establishments and souvenir shops. With such a wide selection of shops, it's also fun to run around and sample the various kinds of food sold here.
At Hokokuji, often nicknamed the "Bamboo Temple", more than 2,000 bamboo trees spread out before your eyes. We recommend Hokokuji's fantasy-like scenery for visitors to Japan.
By bus it takes 12 minutes to get from Kamakura station to Hokokuji. On foot it takes 30 minutes, and on the way there you pass through a typical present-day neighborhood. If time permits, take a leisurely walk from Kamakura station and catch a glimpse of Kamakura's everyday life.
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