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Tokyo Disney Resort's Summer Souvenirs - The Fruit Of The Season

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Tokyo Disney Resort had a series of goods inspired by the fruit that was in season in the summer of 2017. This article will introduce you to some of these unique souvenirs.

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Various Summer Flavored Soft Candies

Soft Candies

For 600 yen (tax included), this bag of soft candy contains four different flavors. The flavors were grape, orange, pineapple and strawberry. Each bag comes with ten soft candies of each flavor which means there are 40 pieces of soft candy included in this set.

A set like this would be perfect for those that want to pass out souvenirs to a large group of people.

The Banana Pencil Case

Banana Pencil Case

The package of the banana flavored soft candy can be used as a pencil case after eating all of the candy inside. For 800 yen (including tax), you get ten banana flavored candies.

Grape Flavored Gummi Candy on the Go

Gummi Candy

The grape flavored gummi candy (15 pieces for 600 yen tax included) feature a picture of Daisy Duck on the bag. On top of each piece of candy individually wrapped, the package includes a zip to re-seal it. This way you don't need to worry about eating all of the candy at once. You can take out another one whenever you would get a little hungry.

Orange Flavored Assorted Chocolate

Orange Flavored Assorted Chocolate

This product is based on orange flavored chocolate, including both an assortment of chocolate and chocolate crunch. The orange package looks just like the sun, and you're put into a cheerful mood by it. This chocolate was very reasonably priced at 900 yen (tax included) for 15 pieces.

Pineapple Flavored Waffles

Pineapple Flavored Waffles

This is one type of food that you won’t see anywhere else - pineapple flavored waffles! Four waffles are included for 950 yen(tax included). The package is designed with a pineapple and a picture of Mickey Mouse on it. It is especially recommended for those who want to buy a very unique Disney souvenir.

Check out the Summer Souvenirs at Disneyland!

stuffed animals

Other than the watermelon T-shirt and candy, there are also stuffed animals. Mickey and Minnie Mouse were wearing clothes with fruit motifs (1700 yen, tax included). There were so many items here that would make you feel happy just by looking at them.

Tokyo Disneyland offers special limited items every season of the year. When visiting Tokyo Disney Resort, why not bring an item back with you that will serve as a memory of your trip?

Read also:

This Summer Only! Become A Pirate At Tokyo Disneyland!
Photo cooperation: Oriental Land Co., Ltd.

Written by


Miho Moriya


MATCHA editor and freelance writer. Born, raised, and currently living in Tokyo. Have visited over 30 countries and lived in four different prefectures. I have traveled to almost all 47 prefectures in Japan! I try to create articles that help convey the charms of a destination through words and pictures. I love forests, temples, and camels.
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